Do you have the goal in mind?

Unless you know what you're going after, it's hard to even get started.
Unless you know what you're going after, there's no way you can have a training plan.
Unless you know what you're going after, a fall, a setback will likely get you off track.
Unless you know what you're going after, the finish line is just a vagary.
Unless you know what you're going after, you won't run the race at all.

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own.
But one thing I do:
forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus

Philippians 3:13-14

Eric Liddell knew what he was going after.  Regardless of naysayers, setbacks, criticism, and even godly people questioning his motive, he went after it.  He threw his head back, felt the pleasure of God, and ran full-throttle with the finish line in mind.  

What is your goal?

Your prize?

What is your upward call of God in Christ Jesus? 

Do you know what you're going after?  

In the moment when you receive Christ, when you are transferred from the dominion of darkness to the Kingdom of the glorious Son of Lighttransformation begins.

Your eyes are opened and you are enabled to see Jesus, really see him, beholding him in his glory.  

And as you fix your eyes upon Jesus, you are being transformed into the woman (or man) God intended you to be before the foundation of the world was laid. 

The plans he has for you, the plans that will ultimately prosper you begin to advance in your life.

And you partner with him, with fear and trembling, working out this very great salvation he has orchestrated in your life. 

You view the hardships, the trials, the challenges, the suffering as evidence that a loving Father is discipling you. 

You take your thoughts captive refusing to let the past play shame games on your mind. 

And you find that your mind is being made new day-by-day as you partner with God to put to death the patterns of your former life.

You are pressing toward the goal, the prize, the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  You are being transformed into a Christ-bearer, one who bears the very image of God.  

You press on in the race of today with the finish line in mind.
You press on knowing that every trial you endure, every pain you experience, every setback that threatens to knock you off course is carving out in you an eternal weight of glory.  

You press on, knowing that there will be a Day, a glorious Day, 

when you cross the finish line,

when you gaze upon Jesus face-to-face,

when faith is made sight, 

and your transformation is complete.  

This is what you're going after.  Becoming a Christ-bearer.  Becoming like Jesus.  

With this goal, this prize, this upward call of God in Christ Jesus in mind, you forget what is behind and you strain forward to what lies ahead.  You press on. 

When you know what you're going after you can train hard.  A setback will just be a setback.  When you fall, you will get back up.  And you will run well.  You will press on.  

When you know what you're going after … You will press on.   

Run to feel God's pleasure.  Run to win the prize. 


Maybe you're in a place like a friend of mine.  She is hurting, wounded, and wondering whether God is even real.  She's in pain because life is so very hard.  It's hard for her.  It's hard for her children.  And it seems like there is no way that God can be good and God can be great.  

It seems like…  This is where faith comes in.  This is where you leap off the high dive and trust that contrary to everything you see, it is true.  God is good.  And God is great.  And there will be a Day when all is made right.  

Suffering is a part of this life.  It just is.  Babies don't always live.  There's not always a light at the end of the tunnel.  There are starving children, and angry mobs, and orphans, and widows, and wars, and wars, and wars.  God doesn't always alleviate the suffering.  He doesn't promise an easy life, but he does promise an accompanied life

Maybe you want to believe but you just can't.  It would be too much surrender.  If you're in this place, would you email me?  


Do you know someone who needs this post today?  Who needs real encouragement?  Who needs a glimpse of the goal so she can get up and keep going?  Help out your friend and share this post with her.  

So, here's a question for you …  What encourages you to press on when life gets tough? I'd love to hear your answers! And so would everyone else.  So … please leave a comment.  :) 

You've joined us Riverside.  We've been walking through Philippians since the end of August.  Can you believe it?  If you're just joining us here, we're so glad!  Welcome! We're gathering here, at the Riverside, just like Lydia and her friends did on the outskirts of Philippi.  They gathered to worship, pray, and ended up hearing about Jesus.  Monday - Thursday I introduce a new verse or two.  Friday is a recap.  I hope to see you here tomorrow!  


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