Don't Let the Pseudo-Friend-Bully Bring You Down

Katya got her hair cut this weekend.  I'll have to take a picture to show you because it is super-cute. And she loves it.  But as we were walking out the door of the salon, she turned to me.

"Mom, what if *Talia doesn't like it?"

Katya's worry about whether a pseudo-friend-bully is going to like her hair or not was robbing her of the moment.  Her self-esteem was impacted by what this classmate has to say about her outward appearance.  This pseudo-friend-bully was bringing her down.  And she needed to learn how to protect herself.

The same was true for Paul's friends in Philippi.  And I'm wondering if it's true for you too.

Finally my brother, rejoice in the Lord. 
To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.
Look out for the dogs, 
look out for the evil doers, 
look out for those who mutilate the flesh.
For we are the circumcision,
who worship God by the Spirit of God,
and glory in Christ Jesus,
and put no confidence in the flesh--
Philippians 3:1-3

In Philippi there were Jewish Christians who believed that in order to be a real Christian you had to follow all the Jewish laws.  You had to be circumcised.  You had to follow the dietary laws.  You had to meet all their religious expectations.  They were pseudo-friend-bullies.  And they were bringing the Christians down.  

Paul speaks a word to them.  And if you've got a pseudo-friend bully bringing you down,  I believe it will be good for you too.  


Rejoice in the Lord.  The same way I wanted Katya to be able to enjoy her fresh, new haircut, God wants us to rejoice in all the wonderful things he is doing in our lives.  He even says that rejoicing in the Lord is a protection.  When we are rejoicing in God's work in us and through us, we are not going to be nearly as concerned about the pseudo-friend-bullies in our lives.  Rejoice in the Lord.  


Look out for the religious rule-keepers.  Paul has some not very nice things to same about them - dogs, evil doers, mutilators of the flesh.  While they are all concerned about circumcising their boys and making sure that everyone else is circumcising their boys, they are not concerned about the heart.  Look out for the religious rule-keepers. They are pseudo-friend-bullies.  Look out for them, and don't give them the time of day.  Watch out.  


Remember who you are.  You and I, and our baby boys, don't need circumcision to mark us as sons and daughters of the King.  If we know Jesus, he's marked us as royalty. We are children of the King of kings.  We have no confidence in our own works, but only in the work of Jesus.   When the religious rule-keepers pseudo-friend bullies threaten your identity, remember who you are.  

Do you find that your understanding of who you are is shaped by what other people say about you?   Is there someone who you allow to rob your joy in what God is doing in your life?  Do you have a religious pseudo-friend-bully in your life who threatens your identity in Christ? 
Before Katya headed to school today to face down Talia, I gave her this pep-talk.  Here's what I said, "Enjoy your fun hair cut.  It's adorable.  And so are you.  Watch out for Talia.  You may need to just stay away.  And if she makes snarky comments, don't believe her.  Just walk away.  And most important of all, Katya, remember who you are.  A beautiful, radiant daughter of the King.  Don't let the pseudo-friend-bully bring you down."  
I'd love to hear from you!  Comment below, send me an email at, or connect with me on Facebook.  I'd love to remind you of who you really are!  

*Not her real name.  :)

Where's your confidence? Are you a faker, like me, or the real deal?


How to Keep Your Limitations from Defining You