How to become God's Arms of Welcome

Who can you receive with joy today?   Who can you honor?

I am the more eager to send him,
therefore, that you may rejoice at seeing him again,
and that I may be less anxious.
so receive him in the Lord with all joy
and honor such men,
for he nearly died for the work of Christ,
risking his life to complete what was lacking in your service to me.
Philippians 2:28-30

Today, an Epaphroditus may return home.  Or a child may land in your inbox.  Or a coworker may walk into your office and close the door.

Who can you receive with joy?   Who can you honor?

Today, a homeless woman may be right there, in the bathroom stall ... sleeping.  Or a daughter may share a deep heart wound.  Or a soldier may return home.

Who can you receive with joy?   Who can you honor?

Today, a hungry child may land on your doorstep.  Or a bone-weary mother may draw your eye in the check-out line.  Or a child may have jiggers.  Or a pain-drenched wife may need an ear, a prayer, and a cup of coffee.  
How can we be ready to receive an Epaphroditus?  How can we become God's arms of welcome?

Watch.  Keep your eyes open for your Epaphroditus today.  Watch the dusty road.  Look for the story behind the eyes.  

Release.  When today's Epaphroditus appears on your horizon, set aside the to-do list and trust that this is better. 

Wait.  Your Epaphroditus may not need to talk about the battle of the day, not now.  Don't demand details.  

Embrace.  Not just in wrapping your arms around this weary one.  That might not even be the right action.  But in your heart.  In the moment. 

Honor.  Value your Epaphroditus as one created in the image of God.  Not a project.  Not a charity.  But as one loved by God.  

Who can you receive with joy?   Who can you honor? 

All of the examples in this post are real-life stories of ordinary people.  Many don't have links.  They are the gospel-laden stories friends share with me. Not in a "Look at what I'm doing way."  But in amazement that God should allow us to be his hands and feet.  Who are we that we get to live out the gospel in our world?   Who are we to get to be God's arms of welcome?  

Who can you receive with joy?  Who can you honor today?

Do you have a story to tell?  Not in a braggy way, but simply to show that God does use us to be his arms of welcome.   
Who in your corner of the world needs to read this post?  Perhaps it's someone who has welcomed you.  Maybe you just want to share it with her and tell her, "You have been God's arms of welcome in my life.  Thank you."  
You've landed at the Riverside.  And I want to welcome you.  I hope this is a place where you feel honored, treasured, valuable.  For more about Riverside, click on the post at the top of the page.

How to Keep Your Limitations from Defining You


Honor Your Epaphroditus