Preempting Orphan Status

What would it be like if we could get to moms and dads before things got so rough that they had to give up their children?What would it be like if we could listen and learn what causes a dad or mom to make this terrible choice?What would it be like if our support of these families arose from what they say that they need, rather than what we decide that they need?Chris Marlow and a team from Help One Now are heading to Ethiopia TODAY to spend time with an entire community of families where the children are at risk of becoming orphans.They are working to help families stay together.  Helping families stay together by preempting orphan status.I love this.  And I love Help One NowI've met with Chris. He's the real deal.  He's in this because he really cares. And he is committed to pouring out his life to make lasting impact.  I'm excited to follow Chris and his team as they work to bring hope to a community where children are at risk of becoming orphans.  They're working to preempt orphan status, and I'd love for you to join me in partnering with them.You can participate in this work in a few ways:

1. Go to Love Hope and learn more about what they are doing and check out the fabulous team Chris has assembled.

2. Follow Love Hope on all the social media platforms where you hang out.

3. Share with your friends about Love Hope, whether on your blog or other social media.

4. Pray for Chris and the rest of the team over these next days.

5. Become one of 300 sponsors (2 per child) and partner with Love Hope to keep families together in Ethiopia.

Every single adoption begins with trauma. Every single one.  And if we can join hands and preempt orphan status, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?So, you may not be as famous as some of the "Hope Travelers"  who are going with Chris, but you are an influencer.  If you share, write, post, pray, or give to this initiative, would you leave a comment and let me know.  Let's cheer each other on as we make lasting impact in our world!


Do You Have a Splinter Buried Deep? (Part 2)


Do You Have a Splinter Buried Deep?