6th Grade Math is Going to Kill Me

Are you with me here?While orphans are going hungry and girls are getting trafficked, I'm being buried in 6th grade math.Can you relate?So this is life.  I tried to go to Malaysia.  I really did.  I said, "Lord, I will  go ANYWHERE."  I wanted to get rid of all of my stuff and go.But, here's the deal.  God said, "No."He said, "I'm putting you right here in North Carolina where you grew up, where your husband grew up,  where there are people who have known you for a million years."And so here I am.And I'm being buried under the tyranny of 6th grade math.But, isn't this where we all are?While our hearts are broken up about girls in Nigeria, and crazy ISIS stuff, and Ferguson, MO ... we have to do 6th grade math.  We have to sit with our amazing children and remember how to divide fractions, and calculate probability, and walk them through long division AGAIN.And I think.  This is what lasting impact is all about. Wherever you are.  In Malaysia, or Zambia, or Ukraine, or Columbia, or North Carolina ... shine.Shine bright.  Shine with the light of Christ.And don't let anything, even 6th grade math defeat you.Love you!Cindy


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