Do you ever feel like Jesus got a bad deal?

I do.  There are times when I feel like God got a bad deal with me.

Jesus died for me.

I know that this was the price that had to be paid to ransom me from the domain of darkness.  I know that this was the cost of my sin.  Jesus not only paid the price for my sin, he became sin.  I know all of this, and still ...

I feel like Jesus got a bad deal with me. 

Do you ever feel this way?

When you can't break the habit,
When you can't stop the thoughts,
When you can't keep yourself from

  • worrying,
  • wishing,
  • wasting,
  • whining,
  • wounding,

Do you ever feel like Jesus got a bad deal with you?

And then there's this verse.

Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ. Philippians 1:27a

And I think, "No way.  There is no way I can live in manner that is worth the price Jesus paid for me."

I can't.  And you can't.

And the enemy agrees. "The price Jesus paid was too high for you.  You're nothing.  You'll never change.  You can't live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."

And there are seeds of truth in what the enemy whispers.  There always are.

But there is a greater truth.  Jesus did die for me.  And his death on the cross initiated a transformation softening my stony heart, renewing my mind, enabling me to take those worrisome thoughts captive and leave them at his feet.  His death on the cross started an inside-out metamorphosis that will be complete one day.

Jesus did get a bad deal.

But he doesn't feel this way.

He calls me friend and whispers freedom over me. 

He has redeemed me, ransomed me, rescued me, received me.   

He lives with me and in me

And he will never leave me nor forsake me.

He's sticking with me
seeing his work in me through to completion until the Day I see him face to face.  

He loves me.  He loves me.  

Because of this, because of Jesus' love for me, I want to live in a manner worthy of the gospel.  I want to live in a way that pleases him.  And my desire to please God ... pleases God.

Do you feel like Jesus got a bad deal?  That his death was too great a price to pay for you?  That you will never measure up?

While that's true, there's a greater truth.  Jesus chose to ransom you.  He chose it.  Jesus loves you.  

Today, let his love wash over you.  Accept it and allow it to do an inside-out work in your life.  And maybe even speak this love out today.  Over your children, over your husband, over your friends, and others who are in your world.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we all joined together to replace the truth-lies of the enemy with the Truth-Truth of Jesus?

Over this week, we're going to sit in this idea of living in way that is worthy of the gospel of Christ.  We're going to talk about what it practically looks like, but for today, just consider the fact that Jesus loves you.  Treasure this truth.

Do you ever struggle with this?  Or is it just me?  When you are struggling to grasp God's love for you, what helps you?  Leave a comment, or email me at  And, if you want to be sure and not miss a post, subscribe simply by putting your email in the little box up-and-to-the-right.


Three Key Strategies for Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel of Christ


Created for Purpose WINNER Video!