Life = Jesus and a GIVEAWAY!

Paul was absolutely sure that Jesus would be glorified ...

  • not only in his thought-life.
  • not only in his emotions.
  • not only in his prayers,
  • but in his actual physical body.

He knew that in his house prison life, God would be glorified through his actions.

Paul knew that Jesus would be glorified through his actions because, for Paul ,,,

Life = Jesus

Paul could have looked around and said

  • Life = House Prison
  • Life = Separation from people I love
  • Life = Threat of death
  • Life = Misunderstanding
  • Life = Beating
  • Life = Rejection
  • Life = Big hairy guard chained to me

But, he didn't.  He said ...

Life = Jesus

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.  Philippians 1:21-22

And since Life = Jesus, his circumstances didn't keep him from glorifying God in everything that he did.

For Paul, since Life = Jesus,  Life = Fruitful Labor

And it does for us too.

The Jesus-infused life means a life of fruitful labor.

A life of purpose, meaning, and value.  A life of impact.

As a matter of fact, I believe SO STRONGLY that your life has purpose, that I want to give you something to help you get your head and heart around this reality and step into a life

  • drenched with glory and
  • dripping with impact.

My friend, Tara Furman, has recently published a Bible study, Created for Purpose.

And it's fantastic.  Not only is it fantastic, but it's important.

This Bible study will help you make a difference in your corner of the world.

Whether your corner of the world is in a village in Uganda, an orphanage in Ukraine, or sideline at the soccer game ...

You were made for life in Christ which promises a life of fruitful labor.

Because I believe that this message is so important, I'm going to give away one copy of Created for Purpose.   I am so excited to get this into your hands!

So, to enter, here's all you need to do:

  • Leave a comment on this post.  The comment can be anything, as long as it's nice.  
  • Share any post from this series, at the Riverside, on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, whatever social media is your favorite and tag my name so I'll be sure and see it.  The more you share, the more entries you get.
  • And subscribe to this blog by putting your email address in the little box up-and-to-the right.  

Simple, right?

I'll put all the names in a hat and my son, Josiah, will draw a name.

I'll announce the winner on Monday and Josiah and I will send Created for Purpose right out to you.

For Paul, his circumstances didn't determine the purpose of his life.  They just determined where he would live it out.  

Life = Christ, and so Life = Impact

So, leave me a comment, share with friends, and subscribe.  Don't let your circumstances determine whether or not you will have impact today.  Choose the Jesus-infused life and expect that you will make a difference in your corner of the world.  


The Work You Have to Do and a Giveaway!


Prison, Pregnancy and Honoring Christ Through it All