Snowmaggedon 2015?

Snowmageddon 2015 is barreling down on NC.  Last year, about this time. This is what we were facing.Snowmageddon 2014And now, in anticipation of sure destruction, we North Carolinians are determined that under no circumstances will we run out of milk.GroceryWe're not worried at all about orange juice. But the thought of running out of milk has driven us to buy every last gallon in the state.  Snowmageddon without milk is absolutely unthinkable.The flakes are starting to fall. And I know you folks in New England will give me a major eye roll ... but we're kind of excited.  We've got a fire in the fireplace and white chicken chili is on the stove. And if you need a gallon or two of milk, let me know. I can help you out. ;)


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