Is God doing a good work in me?

Years ago in another life I was a Creative Memories Consultant.  One of my biggest selling points with women was this.  When you complete a page for your scrapbook, it's done.  Unlike grocery shopping, dusting, or goodness knows ... the laundry, that page is done.  Nobody is going to come along and un-do it.

That was a pretty big selling point for me.  And it was for the women.  The idea of being able to tackle a project and actually complete it was so attractive.

God likes this idea too.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6

There will be a day, a glorious day, when all the work God is doing in you will be completed.  Paul was sure of this, and I am too.

But still, sometimes I wonder.  Sometimes life seems to be falling apart.  I wake up late.  Yell at my husband.  Yell at the children.  Yell at the dog.  I entertain thoughts of "what if," and dream of deserted island escapes.  I have no plan for dinner, can't imagine finding time to exercise, and am faced with the reality that there are no matching socks in the house.

And I wonder if God is really doing a good work in me.  

But, then I remember ...

I am God's scrapbook page.  I am his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.  And he's not going to give up until the work is done.

When I fail.  When I have a mommy temper-tantrum.  When I just can't get it all together, I remember that God is working in me.

He's doing an inside-out transformation.  And the best thing I can do to partner with him in this very personal gospel work is to stop striving, stop beating myself up, stop trying to get it all done, and fix my eyes on him.

I'm not only a scrapbook page, I'm a unfolding story of his gospel work.  He authored my faith, he's perfecting my faith, and he will complete this work when I see him face-to-face.

So, take heart.  God is working in me.  And he's working in you.  He's working from the inside out.  He's not going to give up on us.  We are his workmanship.  We're in this together.  And he will see his work through to completion.

Going Deeper

  • Read Ephesian 2:8-10.  What is the connection between grace and good works?  What comfort does it bring you to read that God prepared work for you before you were even born?
  • Read Hebrews 12:1-2.  What encouragement do these verses give you as you consider your life today?
  • Read Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18.  What is the inside-out work that God is doing in you?  What is your primary responsibility as you partner with God in his good work in you?  How can you do this today?  

This week we have started meeting at the riverside to learn to love God, love the people in our lives, and live as lights in the world.  Monday - Thursday, I'm posting a short post with a story, 1-3 verses from the book of Philippians, a few questions for you to consider, and an option for going deeper if you have a bit of time to sit down with your Bible and a journal.  On Fridays, I'll recap and give you some things to think about over the weekend.  Interested?  Have questions?  Leave a comment or email me at    And please subscribe by putting your email address in the sidebar.  I'm happy to be meeting at the riverside with you!


Because really, we need each other


Can we just stop arguing about the wallpaper?