When Help Comes as a Trojan Horse

When the need is great, we may be tempted to welcome a Trojan Horse to our team.This happened with Ezra back in the day. God had stirred the heart of Cyrus to allow the exiles to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. All in all, about 50,000 people headed home loaded with silver, gold, and all the holy items that had been taken when Jerusalem fell.The work was hard. And it took a long time. Two years, actually, just to get the foundation laid.At this point, a Trojan Horse entered the scene.

Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the returned exiles were building a temple to the Lord ... they  said to them, "Let us build with you, for we worship your God as you do." Ezra 4:2

It's one thing for help to come from unlikely sources. But it's another for your adversaries to dress up like friends and ask to be on your team.These adversaries had not had a change of heart. They wanted in. Just like a Trojan Horse. But the leaders weren't fooled.Their Trojan Horse plan didn't work. But these adversaries did stir up trouble. Eventually they stirred up so much trouble, that the work stopped ... For 15 years.By refusing the help of  Trojan Horse, these leaders avoided the treachery of an unidentified adversary in their midst. However, they had 15 years of waiting.Finally, the day came when the temple was built. Almost exactly 70 years after the destruction of the first. While they never would have chosen this delay, God used it to fulfill the promise he had given Jeremiah. How great is that?When the work is hard and it takes longer than we'd ever imagine, are you tempted to welcome the help of a Trojan Horse?


If You Feel Like You've Been Waiting for a Long Time ...


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