Do You Need a Reminder of Your Value?

Like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land. For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty. Zechariah 9:16Perhaps today you need a reminder of your your value.  Your worth is not rooted in your appearance, your works, your accomplishments.  Your value is rooted in:Who God says that you are

You are precious to him, like the jewels of a crown. He knit you together, formed you, and he considers you oh-so-valuable.

What God has designed you to do

You shall shine on his land.  He's made you, a mere jar of clay, to shine. Not to shine for your own glory, but almost an unaware shining. He's designed you to be so filled up with him that you can't help but shine light and love everywhere you go.

The foundation of your value

With the goodness and beauty of Christ as your source of value, of beauty even, you are set free to be the jewel you were created to be.

 Like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land. For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty. Zechariah 9:16


Mary DeMuth - Because She's Been There


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