That Trial You Didn't Choose

I love my work with RiverCross. I can honestly say that I believe that the Lord has been preparing me for this work all of my life.But with RiverCross, one of the trials I face is raising financial support for my salary. I wouldn't have chosen this trial. It was almost enough for me to walk away.But to walk away would have been to ignore God. I simply couldn't do that. I love him too much.So, I'm still walking out this trial. But, let me be honest ... not with pure joy.This morning I received notice that a missionary serving in Africa has joined my monthly partnership team. A missionary serving in Africa ...Someone who is raising her own support is choosing to partner with me. I'm honored, encouraged, humbled. The weightiness of it fills my heart, and joy splashes down my cheeks. I wouldn't have chosen this trial. But God did. And without this trial, I wouldn't have this joy.  What trial are you facing today?  Would you share your trial in the comments, or message me on FB, and let me pray for you? It would be my joy.   

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4


This One is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made


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