5 Ways You Can Grow in Your Spiritual Gifts

Are you working to grow in your spiritual gifts?Gift1Some people supernaturalize spiritual gifts to the point that they become this mysterious, almost magical thing.In my understanding of spiritual gifts, they are a talents, gifts, or abilities that are infused with the power of the Holy Spirit.Some of the gifts are more mysterious. Like speaking in tongues, healing people, and prophecy. Some are less mysterious. Like administration, hospitality, teaching ...But here's the deal, all the gifts are supernatural. And they are all given by God for the purpose of building up the body.Just because the gifts are supernatural does not mean that you can be lazy with them. If you are going to effectively use the gifts God has given you, you'll work to grow in them.And you'll LOVE growing in them. And as you grow in your gifts, you will truly feel God's pleasure. So much fun!So, how do you grow in your spiritual gifts?  1. Identify your spiritual gifts

Do you know your spiritual gifts? Here's a great list along with scripture references and an inventory. Ask those nearest and dearest to you what they think are your spiritual gifts. And consider what it is that you LOVE doing. All of these are great ways to identify your spiritual gifts.

2. Thank God for your spiritual gifts

He's given them to you for you to enjoy and to bless others. Thank him for them. And remember to keep thanking him. The gifts he's given you are for his glory and your joy.

3. Research your spiritual gifts

Read the Bible passages about your gifts and look for people in the Bible who are using gifts that line up with yours. But don't limit your research to the Bible. Look for extra-biblical resources that will help you learn more about your gifts.

4. Practice your spiritual gifts

Find opportunity, no matter how small, to use your spiritual gifts. As you are faithful to use your gifts in "small ways," God will affirm your gifts and offer more opportunities.

5. Invest in your spiritual gifts

Look for workshops, classes, and conferences that line up with your gifts. Find a coach or mentor who can come alongside and help you grow. Invest what it takes to deepen your gifts.

All the gifts are supernatural. They are a sacred trust given by God. He wants you to grow in them and use your gifts to build up the body. And when you do, you will bring glory to God and you'll have so much fun in the process.  Make a choice to grow in your spiritual gifts.  BTW, did you notice that I made up a word? Supernaturalize. I think it's a pretty good one.  What do you think? ;)Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them. Romans 12:6


And It Started with a Caboose Talk


This One is Fearfully and Wonderfully Made