Becoming a Dangerous, Joyful, Holy Band of Women

If you are popping over from Knowing God Ministries where I'm guest posting today... Welcome!  So glad you're here!

If you are a regular reader, I'm so thankful for you!  Over these past months I have LOVED the emails you have sent me, the messages on Facebook, and when your friends show up and tell me they landed here because you told them about this site.  Thank you!

I started this blog back in 2008 when our family hosted a little girl, Katya, from Ukraine.  So many people were curious why we, a family with six kids, would welcome an orphan into our home for four weeks.  They became more curious when we decided to pursue adoption.  In 2009, we welcomed Katya into our home, not as an orphan we were hosting, but as our daughter.

Although you can still read our adoption journey in the archives, or listen to this interview that Bill and I gave ...

... my purpose with this blog has changed through the years.  Rather than simply give readers a window into our family life, now I want to raise up a battalion of women who will pursue Christ and his purposes at all cost.

I am convinced that we will become this dangerous, joyful, holy band of women as we link arms and:

1.  Root our IDENTITY in Christ

You are a woman created in the image of God and I want to help you discover what that really means.  I want you to experience the joy of knowing who you are, and whose you are.  And I want to celebrate with you the beauty of who you are, and who you are becoming.   

2.  Cultivate INTIMACY with Christ

Jesus cares about having a relationship with you.  He's not so concerned with your religious activity.  I've found that many women need help in knowing how to have a deep and vibrant relationship with Christ.  I want to come alongside you, provide you with tools, and help you set aside religion in favor of relationship.    

3.  IMPACT the world through Christ

Before the foundation of the earth was laid, God established good work for you to do.  This work was designed by our so very creative Father for his glory and your JOY.  When you find the intersection of your spiritual gifts, your passions, your abilities, your personality, and your life experiences, you'll discover your sweet spot.  That place where you can say with Eric Liddell, "I feel God's pleasure."  I want to help you get there.  

Identity, intimacy, and impact  - I believe that these are the pathway for us joining hands and becoming a dangerous, joyful, holy band of women who will be a transforming force in ...

  • the marketplace
  • our marriages
  • our mothering
  • our ministry

Over these next days, I'm going to take these three themes one-by-one and dig deeper.  I want to show you more of what I'm talking about and why identity, intimacy, and impact are vital.  Sound good?

So, Knowing God friends, welcome!  Thanks for popping over!  If you like what you're reading, stick around for a while, share with your friends, and let's join hands to become a battalion of women who will pursue Christ and his purposes at all cost.

I would LOVE to get to know not only Knowing God friends, but all of you, whether who are a subscriber, a regular, or just landed here for the first time.  Although you are always welcome to email me at, I would love it if you would leave a comment today and just tell me a little bit about yourself ... your passions, where you are in life, and, if you'd like, what was meaningful for you in this post.  Can't wait to hear from you!    


Who am I, really?


One Super-practical Great Idea I Learned From Edith Schaeffer