Hope reigns

Yes it does.

Hope reigns.

 Even when ...

fig trees are barren, and
merchants swindle pilgrims, and
the people who waved palm branches are the same ones who will cry out, "Crucify!"

Hope reigns.

Although ...

the cornerstone is rejected, and
Caesar's coin is held up as a test, and
a widow marrying her dead husband's six brothers is some type of holy entrapment.

Hope reigns.

In the midst of ...

unanswered questions, and
seven woes, and
the gathering gloom of the certain destruction of Jerusalem ... O Jerusalem.

Hope reigns.

With the certainty of

wars and rumors of wars, and
tribulation, and putting to death, and
falling away, and
cold love, and
lawlessness, and lawlessness, and lawlessness.

Hope reigns.

In the

plotting, and
denial, and
blood dripping prayer.
Betrayal, and
arrest, and
stirred up testimony.
And "Prophesy!" and
"Blasphemy!" and
a thrice crowing rooster.

Hope reigns.

As the

Savior is bound,
the betrayer hangs, and
Pilate washes his hands.

Hope reigns.


Barabbas is freed, and
blood stains the people's hands, and
the Savior is stripped, and
mocked, and
crowned with thorns.

Hope reigns.


gall mixes with wine, and
nails pierce hands, and
the hammer pounds hard,  "This is Jesus, King of the Jews."

Hope reigns.


"Save yourself!"
"Come down from the cross!"
"Let God deliver him now!"

Hope reigns.


Darkness, and
Terror, and
the sinless one filled up like a drink offering with sin, and sin, and sin.
Yours, and mine, and ours. 

Hope reigns.

When he's

Reviled, and
So very, very alone.

Hope reigns.

As the

Curtain tears,
Lighting splits, and
"It is finished!" opens the way into the holiest, for always.

Hope reigns.

Although the

Women gather,
Joseph wraps,
and a cold, hard tomb is sealed shut and guarded.

Hope reigns.

Yes it does.

Hope reigns when

night departs,
and the angel descends,
and in joyful strength he rolls back the stone and takes a seat.

Hope reigns.


guards fall like dead men,
and women's fear turns to joy,
and they fall to His feet and worship, and worship, and worship.

Hope reigns.

Yes it does.

Hope reigns.

We rejoice in our sufferings, 
knowing that suffering produces endurance,
and endurance produces character, 
and character produces hope, 
and hope does not disappoint because God's love has been poured into our hearts through 
the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.  
Romans 5:3-5


Celebrate the King of Glory!


How God Uses Closed Doors