Do you have conflict in your life?

I do too.  In marriage, in mothering, in ministry, and in the marketplace that I have just entered.  That's right.  I am now a working mom juggling lots of balls and trying to get meals on the table.  If you have any tips for me, I'd love them!

But, back to conflict.

We all have it.  And I know where it comes from.

"What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you?  Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?  You desire and do not have, so you murder.  You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel."  James 4:1-2a

Not only do I know where conflict comes from, I also have quite a bit of, well, experience, learning to work through conflict.

So, on January 11th I'm leading a workshop to help women stop the fight or flight pattern, and start dealing with conflict in healthy ways.

Peace Making:

How to Handle Conflict without Running Away or Fighting Back

I don't have a magic cure to make your conflicts go away.  That's not going to happen this side of heaven.  But, what I do have are some tools that you can put to work right away and start handling conflict with grace and wisdom.


Here are the specifics...

January 11, 1:30-2:30

Where?MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 Saint Andrews Lane
Cary, NC

I do want to tell you that my workshop is only part of the fun.

The day kicks off with a fabulous soup and salad lunch followed by a speaker you will love.  Nancy Cobb, author of The Politically Correct Wife, will be sharing a message - Forgiveness Heals:  The One it Heals is You!

I can't wait to hear Nancy and I'm excited to help women put away the boxing gloves and deal with the conflict in their lives.

For more information or to register, head on over to Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon.   If you register by January 9th, you'll save a bit of money.

If you have questions or comments, just leave me a message or email me at  I'd love to see you there!  


Powerhouse Luncheon!


You can't question God.