A Simple Way to Make a Plan for 2013

2013 is merely hours away.

And, while this doesn't send happy-chills up my spine in quite the same way that freshly sharpened pencils do in September, I still love the opportunity to do a bit of evaluating and looking down the road.  How about you?

So here's a simple way for you to make a plan for 2013.

1.  Make a list of the biggies for 2012 for you and your immediate family.

Here are some categories to fuel your thinking: 

  • Marriage
  • Children
  • School
  • Work
  • Church
  • Friendships
  • Births
  • Deaths 

For us, this includes things like wrapping up 13 years of homeschooling, starting new schools, connecting with Knowing God Ministries, having two daughters in college, speaking at several women's events, and several wonderful new friendships.  

2.  Consider what you would like to be on this list by the end of 2013 along the same categories.  Maybe you'll find new ones pop up, particularly along the lines of self-care, categories like:

  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Bible reading
  • Hobbies
  • Volunteer work

I'm not a big fan or New Year's Resolutions, but I do like having goals and charting out pathways to reach those goals.  You probably won't be able to get your plans mapped out by midnight tonight, but you could be on your way.  Here's one of my favorite resources by my personal leadership guru, Michael Hyatt.

It's a free download if you subscribe to blog, and is worth its weight in gold.  

And, check out this post  Should You Read Your Bible in a Year?   My answer may surprise you.  Check it out and let me know what you think.


You can't question God.


Why God Should Not Be Your #1 Priority