Keeping Your Child from Having a Story Like Mine

Love the LordWe lived in New England when I was pregnant with our first. Bill was youth pastor at our church and I led the high school girls' Bible study. On a snowy evening after Bible study I drove one of the girls home. As we discussed the study, she turned to me and said, "Cindy, I wish I had a story like yours. Jesus is so real to you. He's just kind of boring to me."I honestly have no idea what I said to her at that point.  What I remember is dropping her off and then driving through the swirling flakes with my heart in my chest. I was afraid of my child having a story like mine. But more than anything, I wanted her to find Jesus real. So with snow falling thick, I had a conversation with God. And he spoke to my heart.

"Love me. Live for me. This is how she'll first know I am real."

Love Jesus with your whole heart.  Live for Jesus with your whole life. Show your children that Jesus is real to you. This is your best hope of keeping your child from having a story like mine.


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