What Can a 49-Year Old Female Learn from a Young Guy Like This?

A whole lot.Several years ago I met with this young guy. Art Rainer is the VP of Institutional Advancement at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I was doing contract work for a variety of nonprofits and unsure about my next steps. I got together with Art and shared my story, my passions, and my key vocational milestones. Art gave specific encouragement and laid out several possible scenarios.Several months later, we connected again. During those months, I had taken his counsel to heart. I had discontinued my contract work and began to focus exclusively on one ministry, RiverCross.When we met this time, he gave me an hour of strategic input that has proved incredibly valuable as we are in the process of building our ministry plan.Art writes on leadership, communications, ministry life, money, and personal development. I don't subscribe to many blogs, but I subscribe to his. And 9 times out of 10, what he has written is something that I need to hear.Here are a few of my favorite posts over the past few months:

7 Reasons You Can Be a Leader

6 Signs that Silos Exist in Your Organization

7 Ways to Destroy Your Leadership After a Promotion

5 Things Money Cannot Do For You

3 Steps to Break Through the Busyness of Leadership

Check out Art's site and let me know what you think. And if one of his posts is exactly what you need to hear, tell me about it!  I'd love to connect with you over at my Facebook page.


Property Rights and Other Practicalities of Real Life Parenting


Because the Children Need a Bridge to Hope