Would you like to help five (or more) orphans come home?

I have an EASY way for you to change the lives of five families forever.

Jim and Susan Kyner have entered Dave Ramsey's Great Giving Challenge with a precious, SHORT video, "Adoption Changes Lives Forever."   The ten videos with the highest votes will go before a panel of judges who will choose three winners.  If they win,  they will receive $5000 to give to five families who are currently raising funds for their adoptions.  Currently, they are 16 out of 96.

So, here's what you do:

1.  Watch "Adoption Changes Lives Forever" and vote.  You can vote TODAY and TOMORROW.  The contest ends on Sunday, November 7th.

2.  Post this link on your Facebook, Linked In, or other social networking page.

3.  Post on your own blog, or copy my post onto your blog.

4.  Send a quick email to everyone in your contact list asking them to vote for "Adoption Changes Lives Forever."

This is a quick and painless way to help five (or more) orphans find their forever families.   Now, just click on the link and VOTE!


What a difference...


"God made me amazing.