There is this little cutie-patootie
who needs a hosting family for July 20-August 7. She is a twin, very affectionate, and a bundle of energy. We spent time with her in Ukraine when we were adopting Katya. It is *possible* that she and her identical sister will be available for adoption later on this year, but there is absolutely no guarantee.
Oh, how Bill and I would love to have her here, but Katya is our daughter and needs to experience a first time meeting Nana and Granddaddy Phil, a first trip to the beach and a first family vacation with just her mom, dad, and six brothers and sisters.
The hosting fee is already covered, although a contribution to Frontier Horizon is always appreciated. So, if you or someone you know is interested in finding out about a 9-year old cutie-patootie please email me.
As you know, I don't usually give out my email address, but this is worth the risk!