Please pray, and perhaps ...
fast and pray, if you feel led. Bottomline - when Tamara signed the papers refusing guardianship, a box was actually checked to ASSIGN her guardianship. So, today, the director and the lawyer of Katya's orphanage are working with Tamara to write a "suit" to the court to vacate their decision. Our sweet Liliya is working fervently and passionately, and perhaps even with a bit of righteous indignation, to do her part to correct this mistake. At this point, I have no idea of the implications. I trust that EVERYTHING comes through God's hands. And, if this bump brings more of us to prayer for Katya, for Tamara, and for others involved in the process, then God is glorified in the process, the enemy is weakened, and we have the privilege of joining with the King of kings as He works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.