The Dossier is in Dima's Hands! (Sort of)

We (the collective "we" since I am techno-challenged) have scanned and sent our dossier to Dima in Ukraine and to Maggie with FrontierHorizon for their perusal.  We still are waiting for the I171-H as well as our STATE criminal clearance.

*Note to those of you who are beginning this journey.  Don't try to figure out the fingerprinting/criminal background stuff.  Just do it all and do it as quickly as you can.  I don't understand why the local/state/federal government can't communicate their findings with one another, but they can't.  Think of all the money that would be saved!

Anyway, both Dima and Maggie will get back with us within a day or two.   We'll make corrections and then go for a notarizing/apostilling date tomorrow or Monday.  Then we'll Fed-ex everything to Maggie who leaves for Ukraine on March 4 who will then hand deliver it to Dima.  Woo-hoo!

We had a phone call from LifeSong yesterday - the organization through which we hope to establish a "matching grant" fund for the adoption.  It will be another couple of weeks before they let us know whether we have been accepted into their program.  God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and can choose to disperse His resources however He chooses, so we're not worried, just waiting and watching to see how God will provide the financial means to bring Katya home. 

Different news - Katya is out of the hospital!  YES!  She is home with Tamara, her grandmother, until Monday morning when she will go back to the orphanage.  Liliya will visit with Katya and Tamara over the weekend and we are hoping to skype with them then.    Tamara has not yet signed the papers but continues to tell everyone that she really wants Katya to join our family.   Please pray for her heart as she moves forward in releasing Katya to join our family. 

Meanwhile, on the homefront, Josiah was highly convicted last Friday night that he had not contributed enough to Katya's adoption so he gathered bags of treasured possessions - and I'm not talking junk - for a yard sale.  He wants to sell his tool box, his pocket knife, and various other items that are valuable to him and to us.  He's citing the story of the rich young ruler as his motivation.  Pray for our parental wisdom as we see God move in his precious heart. 

Thanks so much for those who asked for an update!  It means so much to have people around us!


Just a few corrections ...


On the verge of losing a part-time job!