New Vocabulary Word - Apostille
Apostille: A simplified and standardized form that is used for the purpose of providing a certification of certain public documents relating to adoption, including notarized documents, that is used in countries that are in compliance with the provisions of the Hague Convention.
This and many more words are becoming part of our everyday lingo in the Finley Family! We have been on the FAST TRACK with our paperwork. Here's what's been accomplished thus far:
Home Study through ForeverFamilies in Warrenton
1. Application Form - completed and returned
2. Autobiographies - completed and returned
3. Statement of fees - reviewed and signed
4. Sworn Disclosure Statement - completed and signed
5. Corporal Punishment Statement - completed and signed
6. Child Abuse Registry Records Check - completed, signed, and will get notarized and sent today
7. Criminal Clearance Report - getting fingerprinted tomorrow
8. Medical Forms - completed
9. Employment Verification Letter - completed and notarized
10. Financial Supporting Documents - completing today
11. Tax Form - copied and returned
12. Vital Records - We're missing our marriage certificate. We promise that we really are married! This should arrive by Thursday from the Vital Records Department in Wake County, NC.
13. Adoptive Parent Education Registration - registered, but need to do the work
14. 1600A - completed and will send with payment and accompanying vital records TOMORROW
1. Power of Attorney - for Dima to work on our behalf in Ukraine - notarized, apostilled, and out of our hands.
2. Petition to Adopt Katya - gives Dima the authority to check on Katya's exact status - notarized, and in the hands of Kevin Faust for apostilling
We have a variety of documents IN PROCESS for the dossier as well as for our Lifesong application. This is the organization through whom will raise support and apply to receive a matching grant.
I LOVE checking things off the list and the fear factor is diminishing. Bill has come alongside in HUGE ways tracking down documents, handling the finances, making contacts, etc. As challenging as all the paperwork is, I'm thankful for it as it HAS to weed out those who might adopt for less than honorable reasons. For us, the process is creating more oneness in our marriage as we tackle the work together. Also, we're tracking down information and documents that we should have in our file system anyway. AND, our vocabulary is increasing :)