How could you consider adoption?
Afterall, we have six kids, an active ministry, a full life. Where will we find the time, energy, money, space to bring another child into our family? What will be the impact upon "our" kids? What if it doesn't "work out?" What if she doesn't really become a part of your family? What will this mean for your ministry? Valid questions that I have wrestled with over the past few months as we have prayed and fasted about our future, Katya's future, and if these are linked.
"How could we consider adopting Katya?" How could we not? God has stirred our hearts and moved us in unity. He has spoken to our hearts through preaching, teaching, and in our intimate time with Him in the Word. He orchestrated our trip to Ukraine and Katya's trip here. He has given us love for a little blond-haired brown-eyed girl who needs a family. He has shown us a glimpse of her likely future if she stays in the orphanage, and that tears us to pieces.
Today, we send in our application for adoption services along with a deposit. This is the first tangible step toward adopting Katya. Over the next weeks and months, I'll continue to post our progress. In the meantime, I'd love your prayers for us and for Katya.
How could we consider adopting Katya? How could we not?