The Reality of 168

A couple of years ago, Bill and I sat in the office of a dear friend who is also a counselor.  He told us something that day that forever changed the way that I look at my schedule, "Bill and Cindy, every single person on the planet has 168 hours in each week."

Okay, so that's obvious, right?  But I am just kind of wired to push the limits and try to get way more done in 168 hours that is good.  So, I've done it again.  

My hope was to write a blog post everyday from December 1 - 25.  But  there are only 168 hours in the week, and so I just haven't been able to keep up with it.  Here's a little of what's going on:

Curriculum writing

I develop enrichment curriculum for a school system's after-school program.  It's great because I get to research, come up with content, and then find hands-on activities that reinforce what the kids have been learning. 

Several years ago I was writing the content and directing a program at one of the schools.  Our theme that semester was "Time Travel."  So I chose 16 key moments in history for us to explore.  One of these was the signing of the Magna Carta.  At the end of each week, I gathered all the kids (K-4th grade) for review.  I asked the kids, "Who can tell me what the Magna Carta did?"  

A very astute 4th grader said, "Mrs. Finley, King John signed the Magna Carta because the other leaders in England wanted him to stop taxing the English people so much."   

I said, "That's exactly right.  But let's see if we can say that in ten words or less."
A courageous kindergartener raised his hand and said, "Mrs. Finley, the Magna Carta limited the king's power."   

How great is that?   

Right now I'm developing a curriculum, "Come with me to Africa."  It is so much fun.  The kids will be learning a song that lists the 54 nations of Africa.  They'll be locating the countries on maps, cooking, making crafts, dancing, singing, and learning about the historical and cultural distinctives of 25 of the countries.  I wish we had time to do all 54, but I only have 18 weeks.   

Anyway, I have a deadline for this to be completed.  So, it has to take priority.  


I am helping a local nonprofit that I just love with their annual banquet.  I get to collaborate with stellar folks and play a role in designing an evening that will celebrate God's work in our community.  Fun!


So, years ago, a pretty amazing friend taught me how to make magnolia wreaths for Christmas.  She had been doing this for several years as a means of adding to her family's bottom-line.  She had more orders than she could handle that year.  And she knew that she could help our family out by teaching me how to make these wreaths.  

So, this year I took orders and made wreaths.  They are beautiful and I love doing it.  And I'm so grateful for the folks who ordered them.  They just take a bit of time. 

So how do you deal with the reality of 168?  Do you do what I do and try to squeeze more and more into a finite amount of time?  Or are you pretty good at realistically assessing what you can and can't do?  Leave a comment and let me know!  And if you've got any tips that have helped you with this, please share!  

Oh, and I am excited about the next post I'm writing.  I've been sitting in the text all weekend and am just blown away but the beauty of redemption that shines through this story.  You can either keep checking back in.  Or, if you want my posts to be delivered right to your inbox, you can subscribe.  There's a little box up-and-to-the-right where you just put your email address.  Have a great day!



The Kinsman-Redeemer is Coming


By the Scarlet Cord