Don't Count on an X-ray to Heal

On a hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains, we found a wide open place to play.  The kids were little, but adventurous.  Set in the middle of the boulder-scattered field was a perfect climbing tree.

Bill and I connected while the kids rock-hopped and climbed that tree. But then we heard the shout.  "Mom! Dad!  Come quick!  Josiah's fallen out of the tree!"

When we got to Josiah, he was crumpled on the ground, crying, with his head inches from a rock protruding from the ground.

I followed my instinct rather than what I had learned in first-aid, and scooped him into my arms.  He was shaken and teary.  There were no obvious injuries but he did say that his neck hurt.  According to the story told by the siblings, he had landed head-first on the ground.

He was in pain, but not severe. No swelling.  No bruising.  But definitely tenderness.  He could move fingers and toes, and showed no signs of a concussion.  "Watch and wait," was the advice of our doctor who we called as we came down the mountain.

When we returned home, he seemed okay.  Except that he held his head cocked to the left and shoulder hunched up as if to protect it.  "If he continues to hold his head like that, let's do an X-ray.  An X-ray will reveal the problem."  


After 400 years of slavery in Egypt, God set the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob free.  With Pharaoh's army chasing them through the wilderness, God parted the waters made a way.  Now, seven weeks into their wilderness wandering, they camped at the base of Mount Sinai.

On the mountain, their leader, Moses, met with God.  And God spoke to him.

Moses, remind the people what I did to the Egyptians, how I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you to myself.  If you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples.  You will be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.  Speak these words to the people of Israel.

God spoke these words to Moses.  And Moses brought them to the people.  "We'll obey!  We'll keep the covenant!  All the words that the Lord has spoken we will do!"

Three days later a thick cloud covered Mount Sinai.  From the top of the mountain a trumpet blast summoned Moses. Thunder rolled and lighting flashed.  The mountain trembled as the Lord descended in fire.  And Moses went up the mountain to meet with God.

Once again God spoke to Moses.

I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt.
You shall have not other gods before me.
You shall have no idols.
You shall not take the Lord's name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath.
Honor your father and mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not lie.
You shall not covet.

Once again, Moses brought these words, these ten commandments back to the people. Once again they said,  "All the words that the Lord has spoken, we will do!"

And when Moses returned to the mountain leaving Aaron in charge, the people grew impatient.  And just like that, their resolve evaporated.  They thrust God aside and their Egypt-chasing hearts were revealed. "Make us gods!"

Aaron gave into their demands, collected the gold, melted the gold, and fashioned it into a calf.  Rather than being their priest, their protector, he prepared for them an idol.  "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!"

Just like that, they broke God's law.  Rather than trust in God, they chased Egypt.  Just like that it became ever so clear …

The law could never mend.  It could only reveal.  

We did take Josiah in for an X-ray.  And the X-ray showed that his neck was fine.  It would simply take a bit of time to heal.  But if there had been a break, the X-ray wouldn't have mended it. It would only have revealed the break.

The law is like the X-ray.  It will never mend the break, the separation between us and God.  No matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we work, no matter how good we seem … there is a break.   But one who could mend the break, one who would fulfill the law  … was coming.

Have you tried so hard to be good?  To obey?  And then before you know found yourself melting gold and making a calf?  Let the law do its work.  Let it reveal your need for a Savior.  And then turn to the only one who can mend the break.   Don't count on an X-ray to heal. 

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By the Scarlet Cord


The Perspective that Changes Everything