God Keeps His Promises

The time came for the baby to be born.

Less than three months after the angel visitation, Sarah was visited by God.  She had doubted.  She had laughed.  God had spoken to her husband, but not to her.  But now God visited her.   God keeps his promises.

Her dried up womb opened and received the seed of her husband.  Their ancient DNA mingled and God began the process of knitting together this baby of promise.

Fatigue and morning sickness gave way to butterfly quickening.  And Sarah called Abraham over to feel the life fluttering within her.

Her body grew and her joints ached, even more than they had when her day-to-day was merely contending with the pain of aging.  Until the time came for the baby to born.  God keeps his promises.

Contractions wracked Sarah's body.  Sweat beaded on her brow.  What was she thinking all those years when she had longed for a baby?  Contractions pile one on top of the other as waves pound the seashore.  The intensity is almost more than she can bear.

And then there's a shift.  A pressure.  She must push.  Nothing else matters in these moments.  Instead of fighting the contractions, she uses them to bring her son from the safety of the womb into this world where an uneasy half-brother waits.  God keeps his promises.

One final guttural cry.  One final hard, hard push.  And the promised child slips into waiting hands.

"He's perfect.  Absolutely perfect."

The cord is cut and the ancient mother pulls this baby up to her breast.  "He's perfect," she murmurs.  And then her eyes begin to shine with shame at her laughter of doubt.  And as the son roots around on his mother's chest, her shame turns to delight and she laughs with joy and hope of what this baby will bring.  God keeps his promises.    (Genesis 21:1-7)

Ten years passed from the time God gave Abram the promise of a son.  Ten years of waiting. Ten years of aging.  Ten years of telling his wife of God's promise.  As the years passed, the hurt deepened for Sarai.  How could God be so cruel?  She was old.  Old.  Everything seemed to indicate that God was a liar.  That he doesn't keep his promises.  And yet he did.  God keeps his promises.

This baby would be the first child of promise.  This first child of promise pointed ahead to another cradle.  Just as Abraham and Sarah waited and longed for God to keep his promise, so did a nation.  So did a world.  Angels announced both these covenant babies.  Both were named before they were born. Both were born in God's appointed time.  God keeps his promises.

Even when the fulfillment is delayed.  Even when all of life screams the contrary, God keeps his promises.    

Perhaps this is hard for you to hear.  Perhaps in your life it seems that God is not keeping a promise. Or a promise that you thought was a promise is not even really a promise.  God doesn't promise prosperity, or an easy life, or health.  He doesn't even promise shelter, and food, contrary to what many American Christians believe.  If God makes a promise, he keeps it.  God always keeps his promises.  

 If this is particularly hard for you, would you email me? cynthiafin@gmail.com I'd love to send to you a list of seven promises that God always keeps.  

You have joined us for Promise, a 25-day journey from creation to the cradle.  If you would like a Family Devotional Guide with questions to discuss around the dinner table, email me and I'll send it right out to you.  If you'd also like a template for ornaments to make "Jesse Tree," let me know that too.  My email address is cynthiafin@gmail.com.

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Do you believe God will provide?


Would you listen for the promise?