A Whisper in the Storm

So, I deserve the flood.  Really I do.

Most mornings before my feet hit the floor, I'm battling thoughts and emotions.  Sometimes I'm battling the pull of the blankets and the warmth and spooning with my husband.  All wonderful, but when God says "Get up.  I want to meet with you," and I snuggle on in, I deserve the flood.  Because something other than God holds my greatest affections.

In the days of Noah, it was much like now.  People were eating, drinking, marrying, being given in marriage.  They were like me, and you.

And Noah wasn't perfect, but something set him apart.  He walked with God.   He walked so closely with God that

~when God told him to do something absolutely crazy, he obeyed.
~When God told him of a calamity to come, he took him seriously.
~When God called him and his family apart, he counted the cost and accepted the call.
~When God brought the animals and animals and animals, he welcomed them.
~And when the sky churned dark and lightning flashed, Noah and his family entered the safety of the ark.  

God closed the door as the fountains of the deep burst wide and the floodgates of heaven split open.

Inside the ark, Noah and his family were safe.  Safe.

The waters rose, and rose, and rose and lifted the ark.  The storm raged and the animals whined, but inside the ark, Noah and his family were safe.

There was no other ark.  There was no other way to escape the rising raging flood.  There was no other way.

I deserve the flood.  And so do you.  We need an ark.  We desperately need an ark.  And as judgment swirls in the thunder, and the lighting, and the wind, and the driving, driving rain a promise is whispered.  "I will send an ark." A whisper in the storm.  

Are you trying to find your own way to escape the rising flood?  To find shelter in the storm?  Do you know the safety of the promised ark?  Have you heard the whisper in the storm?   

You have joined us for Promise, a 25-day journey from creation to the cradle.  If you would like a Family Devotional Guide with questions to discuss around the dinner table, email me and I'll send it right out to you.  If you'd also like a template for ornaments to make "Jesse Tree," let me know that too.  My email address is cynthiafin@gmail.com.

And, if you like what you're reading would you help me out by doing two things?  Would you subscribe by putting your email in the box up-and-to-the-right?  And would you share this link on Facebook or Twitter?  Thanks so much!


Would you listen for the promise?


In pain, power struggles, and plowing the hard, hard ground … there is a promise