3 Indicators of a Woman Whose Example is Worth Following

Whose example do you follow?  

Several years ago I sat down with a young woman.  She was, and is, dear to me.  For several years I had been an "older woman" in her life.  We studied the Bible, served God together, and just did a lot of life together.

We sat down on her couch and she shared with me a decision she was considering.  She wanted my input.  And because she genuinely wanted to know my thoughts, I shared them.

Ultimately, she made a decision that was against my counsel.  But rather than being frustrated, I was thrilled.  Here's why …

I'm #3. 

I had taught her that the best way to make a decision is to line up the Runway Lights. 

1. God's word
2. Inner confidence through prayer
3. Godly counselors
4. Practical circumstances

I'm #3.

She weighed my counsel against what God was speaking to her in his word and through her prayer life.   She valued my counsel, but it didn't line up.  In going against my counsel, she was actually following my example.  

Brothers, join in imitating me,
and keep your eyes on those who walk 
according to the example you have in us. 
Philippians 3:17

Following someone's example doesn't mean that you always follow their advice.  It's deeper than that. 
Paul urges the Philippians to imitate him in going after the ONE THING.  He says to shove every barrier out of the way and press on.  Press on toward the ultimate goal of becoming like Christ.  Follow his example in wholehearted pursuit of Christ.  
So, how do you find brothers and sisters whose example is worth following?  Whose passion for Christ is worth imitating?  
Here are 3 indicators of a woman whose example is worth following:
1. Identity

When you spend time with her, you can tell that her identity is in Christ. She doesn't dwell on her accomplishments. She talks about Jesus.  If you bring up one of her achievements, she says, "Thank you," but moves on.  She's secure in who she is.  Her identity is rooted in Christ.  

2. Intimacy

You can tell that her relationship with Jesus is the priority that permeates every other priority.  She makes time to intentionally spend with God through Bible reading and prayer.  But her relationship with Jesus is not just a task to check off on her "To-do" list.  She is engaged with Jesus throughout her day.  She cultivates intimacy with Christ.  

3. Impact

Something about the impact that she is making in her corner of the world is attractive to you. It may be that you are intrigued by the closeness she has with her husband.  Or you see children that are not perfect, but are being loved well.  Or you see her serving in her church or in the world in a way that lines up with your personal passions.  You see her faith being lived out.  She impacts the world through Christ.  

My young friend came through our town several months ago on her way to Bundibugyo to serve with a team of missionaries. We talked about her future, her hopes, her dreams, her struggles, her fears.  She shared about the role God's word had in her decision-making process and she talked about the cost of following Christ.

And when she opened her Bible, I saw taped in the back of her Bible a chronological Bible reading plan.  This little thing that I do, she does too.  But even more important than her following my example, I saw in her a woman whose identity is in Christ, who cultivates intimacy with Christ, and who is committed to impacting the world through Christ.  I saw a woman who is ready to be an example for others.

So, what's the take-out for today?

  • Do you have a mentor in your life whose pursuit of Christ provides an example for you?
  • Will you ask God to bring a mentor into your life to provide an example for you in their wholehearted pursuit of Christ?
  • Are you a mentor to someone else? Are you doing what it takes to become an example for others?

What do you think?  Do you think it's important to have mentors?  Why or why not?  Do you have comments or questions about finding a mentor or becoming a mentor?  Join in the conversation and leave a comment.

You've joined us Riverside!  Welcome!  Monday - Friday we gather here for a bit of Bible.  We're ordinary women pursuing Christ together and seeking to become more and more like him.  I hope you'll subscribe so that you don't miss a day.  Just put your email address in the little box up-and-to-the right.  That way Riverside will land in your inbox every day.  And I hope you'll join in the conversation by leaving a comment and maybe introducing yourself. 


5 Markers of the Mentor to Avoid


Today, Tomorrow, and Every Day … You Press On