Would you stand in the gap?

When my daughter, Piper, spilled a cup of boiling hot tea on her arm, I was an ocean away.   And although my dear friends provided excellent care for Piper, I was most comforted that my daughter, Sara Maria, stood in my gap.

  • I couldn't meet her at the emergency room, but she did.
  • I couldn't pray with her, but she did.
  • I couldn't cuddle Piper, and put wet rags on her arm, and read books to her while they waited for the doctor, but Sara Maria did.

My daughter stood in my gap.  She set aside everything else that day to stand in the gap for me.

This is the picture we get today with Paul and Timothy

I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon,
so that I may be cheered by news of you.
For I have no one like him, 
who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.
For they all seek their own interests, 
not those of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:19-21

Paul is stuck in house prison, but the church in Philippi needs him.  He can't go to him, but Timothy can.  Timothy stood in the gap.

Are you the type of person that will stand in the gap for someone else?  Would you stand in the gap?  

It doesn't require special skills to stand in the gap for someone.  It simply requires love.  The key mark of Timothy's character and of Sara Maria's that day she met Piper in the emergency room is love.

They put aside their own interests for the sake of love.

  • Love of Jesus.
  • Love of others.

Would you stand in the gap?  

Is there a hurting friend whose family needs a meal?  Is there a widow who needs her grass mowed?  Is there a single mom whose son needs a dad in his life?  Would you and yours stand in the gap?

You've joined us Riverside.  Welcome!  We're gathering Monday - Friday at the Riverside where we are going verse-by-verse through Philippians.  So glad you joined us!  And, if you want to be sure and not miss a day, subscribe by putting your email address in the little box up-and-to-the-right.


What is your worth? Prove it.


6 Specific Things You Can Trust About God