6 Specific Things You Can Trust About God

Half a world away, a family is working to adopt three children born in Uganda.  They're hitting roadblocks.  And although adoption roadblocks are par for the adoption course, they are still disappointing, discouraging, and draining.

They are playing and praying as they wait for God to push aside the roadblocks and clear the way.

1. They could look at the roadblocks and doubt that God really led them here.  

2. They could fixate on the roadblocks and back down.  

3. Or they could choose to fix their eyes on Jesus, trust him, and press on. 

They're choosing #3.

Therefore, my beloved, 
as you have always obeyed, so now
not only in my presence but much more in my absence,
work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Do all things without grumbling or questioning,
that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish
in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation,
among whom you shine as lights in the world,
holding fast to the word of life,
so that in the day of Christ I may be proud
that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering 
upon the sacrificial offering of your faith,
I am glad and rejoice with you all.
Likewise, you should be glad and rejoice with me.

I'm choosing #3 too.  Whatever the challenge you are facing, would you choose #3?  Here are 6 specific things you can trust about God to help you press on in spite of the roadblock.

1. Trust that he really is working in you and through you.

You can count on this sisterfriend. God is working an inside-out transformation through the Holy Spirit.  What you're going through doesn't change this reality.  

2. Trust that his plans are for good, regardless of the obvious.

You'll be tempted to complain, to argue with him.  Just like the children of the wilderness.  But God is good.  And because God is good, his plans can't be anything but good ... in the long run.  

3. Trust that your life is bringing light to others.

You know you're not perfect.  Don't try to be.  Know that God has uniquely prepared and equipped you to walk this road.  He's shining through you.  

4. Trust that the word is life.

You have so many things that need to get done, but choose the one thing.  Choose to sit at the feet of Jesus holding fast to the word.  Pull a Mary even if Martha is complaining about the dishes.  

5. Trust that your steadfastness is an encouragement to another struggling sister.

You want to quit, but you won't.  You'll stay the course because God is with you.  He's not leaving you or forsaking you.  There's someone else watching you who needs to see this.  Not because she needs to see how great you are, but because she needs to see your Rock.  

6. Trust that joy will come in the morning.

You doubt it in the midst.  It seems the fog won't lift.  And sisterfriend, sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes things don't work out the way you hope.  But there is a greater story, a deeper truth, an infinite love, a glorious conclusion. Joy will come in the morning.

Would you choose #3 too?  Would you choose to take your eyes off the roadblocks, fix them on Jesus and trust in God?

What has God been speaking to you this week at the Riverside?  How has he been challenging you or encouraging you?  Is there one of the 6 specific things you can trust about God that is particularly meaningful to you?  

Oh, and BTW, we barely know this sweet family, but we are praying for them.  And, although I'm not going to tell you their name, would you pray for this family too?  We are having a blast taking care of a couple of their pets.  Here's Beardy.  He really, really likes to stalk crickets.  We hear he likes blueberries too.

And here's Napoleon with Tanner, one of our golden retrievers.  Napoleon is hilarious.  Instead of standing up on his hind legs, he sits on his rear end.  I coudn't get a picture of that.  But, if I do, I'll post.  He's been on several adventures and may go to a soccer game this afternoon.

You are Riverside!  So glad you're here!  In Acts 16, a group of women, including Lydia, is gathering to pray at the riverside.  Paul joins them there and tells them about Jesus.  God opened Lydia's heart to understand all that Paul shared.  She is baptized and then invites Paul to set up shop in her house.
From this little gathering, a church was birthed.

So, we're gathering here Monday-Friday, Riverside, to look into the letter Paul wrote to the believers in Philippi.  Monday-Thursday, I introduce a verse or two.  And on Friday, we look back at the week.  I'm so glad you're here!  If you want to start at the beginning, just click on Riverside, and that will take you to a week-by-week.   And, if you 'd like to be sure that you don't miss a post, subscribe simply by putting your email address in the little box up-and-to-the-right.


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