Two Warnings to Help You Pursue a Life That Counts

Have you noticed that in the movies, people are not checking Facebook all day, texting constantly, or playing Candy Crush Saga?  They are advancing the plot of the movie.  They are moving toward a conclusion.  

What would it be like if you and I lived with as much intentionality? 
~If we joined in an epic adventure?~If we advanced a grand plan?~If we moved toward a glorious conclusion?~If we really pursued a life that counts?

What would it be like?  

Paul has been urging the Philippians to do just this -- to live in a manner worthy of the gospel, to pursue unity, to trust God rather than complain, to shine as lights in the world ... 

so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain

Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, 
I am glad and rejoice with you all. 
Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me. 

Paul has a glorious conclusion in mind.  He knows Jesus is coming back and he wants to be ready.  He is intentional, goal-oriented, and he refuses to live in vain.  Even in the challenge of imprisonment, Paul wants a life that counts. And I'm guessing you do too.  Here are two warnings to enable you and I to  pursue a life that counts: 

Do not run in vain
A run is personal.  Only you can run your race. You've got to do the hard work yourself. The same way that you are the only one who can lace up your shoes and hit the road, you are the only one who can do the day-in, day-out work of personally connecting with God. Are you running your own race?  

Your run requires prioritization.  Believe me, I know that life is full, crazy, busy.  I know that you have a million things pulling on you. But, you and I, we have to make our run a priority.  Or it's not going to happen. Are you making your personal  run a priority?  

Your run requires a plan.  Do you have a plan to help you grow as a runner?  If you don't have a plan, don't feel badly.  Most of us don't.  You may need a personal trainer to help you form a plan and then urge you forward.  If you don't have a personal trainer in your life, please email me (  I'd like to provide some initial coaching and see if we can find an IRL personal trainer.    Do you have a plan to grow as a runner?  

Your run is productive.  A vain run, an empty run is a fruitless run.  Are you running in a way that your life is bearing personal fruit?  Are you experiencing increasing love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, and self-control in your life?  Is your run productive?

Your run requires purpose.  Without a goal, your run is vain.  Paul had the return of Christ in mind.  This motivated him to live a life that counts.  Does the return of Christ motivate you to run well?  Do you have purpose in your personal run?  

Do not work in vain
We all want to be involved in productive work.  We want to know that our time, talent, and treasure is going toward work that counts.  Stop spinning your wheels and pouring your life out for work that does not matter.  

Connect with other believers who you sense are involved in work that counts.  Meet up at the park.  Go out for coffee.  Connect with people and find out what they're doing.  Ask how you can join them.

Collaborate with other groups.  Find out what work nonprofits, churches, and ministries are doing that stirs your heart.  Lead the charge at your church to partner with these groups. Embrace the beauty of collaborating with others rather than competing.  

Commit to making the most of your time.  Lay aside busywork in favor work that will advance the Kingdom.  I'm not saying don't rest.  We need rest.  But choose to say no to Candy Crush Saga and make the most of your time.  Make a choice to give up one time-waster this week and replace it with work that counts.  

Paul knows a day is coming when he will be poured out like a drink offering.  He knows that day is also coming for the Philippians.  But rather than whine about it, he's rejoicing that he should be found worthy to suffer for the sake of the gospel.  

As for me, I want to join in the epic adventure.  I want to advance a grand plan.  I want to move toward an absolutely glorious conclusion.  And if I'm poured out as a drink offering for the sake of a well-run race ... bring it on.  Join me?  Let's pursue a life that counts.  

You've joined me today by the Riverside.  I'm so glad!  Women across the world are landing here every day.  I am blown away, but something is touching a chord.  They're writing me, telling me their stories, sharing their passions, dreams, and longings to go deep and live large.  I'm thrilled to be part of such a band of women and I'd love to welcome you. Would you leave a comment and introduce yourself?  Or if you're introduction is so raw that you'd prefer to email me, you can do that too.  Are there other women in your life you'd like to invite to join us at the Riverside?  Let's share this thing around and see what God wants to do.  Love you!


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