5 Real Proofs that You are a Child of God

When Katya, Bill, and I sat before a Ukrainian judge waiting her decision on whether or not we could adopt Katya, one thing particularly seemed to sway the judge in our favor.

"She looks like you.  She's your daughter."  

Part of me cringed at this statement. The fact that she looks like me had nothing to do with why we were adopting her.  However ...

this was not the time to share our views of adoption being a glorious picture of God's gathering of his sons and daughters from the ends of the earth.  

It wasn't time to share of our heart for children from every tribe and nation.  

It wasn't the time to talk about the worldwide orphan crisis and the need for Christians to foster, fund, and fuel care for the fatherless around the world.  

This was the time to say, "Yes!  She does look like me.  She's my daughter."  

When God looks at you, does he say, "That's my daughter?"  

Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 
that you may be blameless and innocent
children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, 
among whom you shine as lights in the world, 
holding fast to the word of life, 
so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
When you live without grumbling with others and arguing with God, you are "imaging forth" a picture of your Father to the world.  You are proving yourself to be a child of God rather than a child of the wilderness.  Here are five proofs that you are a child of God.

1. Blameless

When haters look at your life, they've got nothing on you.  Your conduct is exemplary.  If they took you into a court of law, the case would be thrown out.  The charges wouldn't stick.  Paul didn't teach this to only the Philippians, but also to the Thessalonians.  They loved this idea so much that many had the Greek word for blameless carved onto their tombstones.  If haters took you into a court of law, would the judge find your blameless?

2. Pure

Not only is your outward conduct blameless, but you are blameless through and through.  If they took a core sample of your soul, they would find that you are a pure substance, no mixing of old and new, what you want to be and who you really are.  There is no difference between what the world sees and who you really are.  You are the same in public as you are in private.  Does your inward character match your outward conduct?

3. Unblemished

There is no spot on you.  You are a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.  When God looks at you, he sees a lamb without spot or blemish.  He sees one who can bear the sins of others and secure their forgiveness.  When God looks at you, does he consider you unblemished?  

And I'm thinking, "No way."

There is no way that I am blameless.  Every day my kids and my husband, not even the haters, could drag me into a court of law and present evidence against me.  

There is no way that I am pure.  I am in process.  I struggle and fail.  I am forever capturing my thoughts and dragging them to Jesus.  I am always praying for an eternal perspective because my understanding of the world is so colored by my own filters.  

There is no way that I am unblemished.  I am covered with spots, impurities.  I can't even cover my own sin, much less anyone else's. I am no sacrificial lamb.

 There is no way.  But that's okay because I know the Way.  

  • Jesus is the only one who the haters could not accuse.  
  • Jesus is the only one who was pure through-and-through.  
  • Jesus is the only unblemished Lamb who could take away the sins of the world.
Because I know the Way, because I've trusted in the Way, when God looks at me, he sees Jesus.  The Father sees me and  says, "She looks like me. She's my daughter."  

My sins are covered.  I'm blameless, innocent, unblemished.  He considers me, not as I am right now, but as I'm becoming. He's patient with me in this time of transforming.  He  knows that a day is coming when the transformation will be complete.  He knows a day is coming when I'll be like Jesus because I'll see him as he is.  My identity is in Christ.  Yes way.  

Because I know Jesus, I have the Holy Spirit indwelling, streaming from the inside out. And if you know Jesus, you do too.   Here are the real proofs that you are a child of God.  

4. Shining

In your corner of the world, you shine like a star.  You are not shining from your own light, but because the Holy Spirit is lighting you up from the inside out.  Your job is not to create the light, but to connect with Christ personally so that his light flows you through you.  Others see Christ in you.  Are you shining?

5. Illuminating

You move out in the world. You not only shine, but you light the way for others to come to Christ.  The Holy Spirit makes you like a luminary along a path pointing people to Jesus.  You hold out the word of life for others to see.  You are the light of the world, a gleaming city on a hill.  When people see you they don't only see Christ, but they want to come to Christ.  Are you illuminating the way to Jesus?  

Is your identity in Christ?  Are you confident that if you stood in a courtroom, all charges against you will be dropped?  Would a core sample of your soul confirm that you are the real deal?  Have you thrown of the shame of your past and claimed Christ's covering for your sin?  Is your identity in Christ?  
If so, are you experiencing the joy of Holy Spirit illumination?  Do you have a sense that God is happy with you, glorified by you, and shining his light in the world through you?  Do you feel God's pleasure over your life?  
If this is hard for your to grasp, I want to talk to you.  I want to help you see that you can stop striving to be perfect, but trust in God to begin his work in your life.  I want to help you find joy in Christ.  If this is you, would you please email me at cynthiafin@gmail.com?  We'll set up a time to have a phone conversation. Really.  
Sorry for tricking you with those first three.  I feel kind of bad about that.  Was that mean?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.  
And enjoy a bit of Kari Jobe reminding us that we really are the light of the world. We really are a city on a hill.  

Thanks for gathering with us Riverside. I hope you'll be back!


Two Warnings to Help You Pursue a Life That Counts


We don't have to be Children of the Wilderness.