What we really need is a demolition.

A Wendy's is directly on our route from home to school. And one day we noticed construction equipment parked in the lot. And the next day we noticed a sign that said "Wendy's is Renovating." But over the next few days, it looked like much more than a renovation. It looked like a demolition.And I had to laugh.Sometimes we think what we need is a renovation, but what we really need is a demolition.We think that if we change a few habits, get a better job, get a new boyfriend, or renovate our kitchen ... our life will be infinitely better.  We think we need renovation.But what we really need is demolition.And a sign that says "Renovation" is fooling nobody.Jesus doesn't just want to renovate our lives.  He wants to transform our lives.He's not going for mere renovation.  He's going for transformation.Jesus wants to change us from the inside-out.And , I have to say, transformation often begins with demolition.  At least it did for me.When we get unveiled, come clean, get naked,  we are welcomed into God's presence to sit at his feet and behold him in his glory.  As we fix our eyes on Jesus instead of our silly renovation projects, the transformation process begins.We all with unveiled faced beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into His image from one measure of glory to another.  2 Corinthians 3:18Are you in the midst of a demolition?  Do you need some prayer in the midst?  Leave a comment and I'll be praying for you!If you're visiting from Sara's spot,  Every Bitter Think is Sweet, welcome!  So glad you're here!   If you don't know Sara, you're going to want to.  We did life together in Charlottesville and stood with each other through the adoption journey.  So, head on over and linger.If you were with me at Coral Bay Beach Club on Tuesday, didn't we have the best time?  Oh my goodness,  I was SO blessed!  If you gave me your email address, I've sent you notes.  If you didn't get them and want them let me know, and I'll send them right out to you.  :) 


When You've Had a Stinky Week


Welcome to my mess!