Welcome to my mess!

So, I've got this fancy self-hosted Wordpress site now. But it feels like I've moved into this unfamiliar house.I feel a bit like I did when we left Charlottesville three years ago.   We loaded the Penske truck,Penskegave our last hugs,Adelyn and Savannatossed the dog in the van.Tannerand headed down the road.On the RoadAnd now I've moved into a great big unfamiliar Wordpress house.Some of the stuff is familiar, but I have no idea where the can opener is. And my shampoo is packed up somewhere. And I certainly haven't hung pictures.But rather than wait until everything's perfect, I'm inviting you into my mess. Boxes are everywhere. And we're ordering pizza for dinner. Want to join me?This really isn't the way you're supposed to do it. But I'm thinking we'll just make this a community project.  What do you think?We'll unpack boxes, unwrap glasses, and push the furniture around.  We'll test some paint colors, and maybe remodel a bathroom or two.  And along the way, let me know what you think.Cindy driving


What we really need is a demolition.


Do you want to significantly impact your world?