Do you want to significantly impact your world?

Significant impact.

When Josiah was just a little guy, he became aware that he was made for impact.  We pulled up in the driveway and as I got out of the driver's side and walked around to the passenger side, I heard him saying to himself,

"I am awesome."

As I came around the corner, I saw this blond-haired superhero balancing along the running board of our van.  Teetering, arms stretched out, one foot in front of the other,

"I am awesome."

And he is.  And you are too.

 You were made for impact.  No matter

your stage of life,
your financial situation,
or any other barrier.

You and me ... we were made for impact.  We are all made to

create ripples,
leave a wake,
be a force for good.

We are all made for impact.  But how do you know the impact you are made to make?  

Making impact starts with your personal why.

Not what you do.  Not even how you do it.  But why you do it.

I want to be tell you that I've been significantly impacted by Simon Sinek's Ted Talk from 2009.  I've read Start with Why.  And I've wrestled alongside nonprofit leaders as we have worked to nail down the why for our organizations.

But why is not just for businesses and organizations.  Why is for you and for me.

Because as you identify your personal why, several things will happen:

  • You'll be empowered to filter the clutter out of your calendar.
  • You'll be inspired to choose the important over the urgent.
  • You'll gain focus, clarity, and vision.  
  • You'll have a sense of purpose driven not by what you can produce, but by who you are.  And, I believe, who God made you to be.  
  • You'll gain understanding of your worth, your unique contribution to the world.
  • You'll stop comparing yourself to others and start celebrating their accomplishments.
  • You'll give up competition in favor of collaboration to advance a greater cause.
  • You'll have deeper satisfaction regardless of your circumstances knowing that you are motivated from the inside-out.

Most satisfying ... You'll begin to significantly impact your world.

You're awesome.  And you were made to significantly impact your world. 

We are God's masterpieces.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, 
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10

Do you want it?  Do you want this clarified life?  This inspired focus?  Do you want to significantly impact your world? The key for impact is in your personal why.  Leave a comment, ask questions, and maybe even share your personal why... 


Welcome to my mess!


Pearl of Wisdom for Relating with the Male Species