Pearl of Wisdom for Relating with the Male Species

In the car on the way to school this morning Piper, my 14 year-old daughter, asks me,

"Mom, are you coming to my soccer game today? It's at 5:00."


Cameron, my 15 year old son asks, "So, is it at home or away?"

Piper answers, "Home."

Cameron very succinctly responds, "Oh."

(This is Piper and Cameron with their amazing piano teacher, Miss Mary Jo)

Piper sits up a bit straighter in the front seat (It's her front-seat-day) and kind of turns her head in Cameron's direction.   "What did you mean by that?"

Cameron, a bit confused, "I just said 'Oh.'"

Piper continues, "Yeah.  But you sort of said it with a going down kind of tone at the end. Are you upset that my game is at home?  Because if you are upset that my game is at home, I want to know why."

Cameron, more confused than ever, "I just said 'Oh.'"

Oh. my. GOODNESS.  I thought I was going to die.  And before I dropped her off at school, I gave her this pearl of wisdom for relating with the male species which I will now share with you.  

Honey, you have got to let his "Oh" be oh.

Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no,
so that you may not fall under condemnation.  
James 5:12 

What pearls of wisdom have you shared today?  Please do tell!


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