One Thing You Can Do for the Girls in Nigeria

Each of these sisters, each of these daughters has a name.

And while our hearts break and we feel helpless, we can DO something.  We can pray for them by name.  

There are some that will say, "Praying is not enough."  And I would agree.  It's not.  Faith without works is dead.  But, I am not capable of cutting through the woods with a machete.  So, I pray.

Although these are the names of all the girls, they are the names of some.  Would you print out this list and carry it with you today?  Would you pray for the girls by name, and for the mothers, and the fathers?  Would you pray for God to lead the rescuers to find these girls and deliver them safely back to their families?

Praying is not enough.  But it's what I can do.  What about you?


Pearl of Wisdom for Relating with the Male Species


Because He Didn't Leave Me Alone