Because He Didn't Leave Me Alone

"Leave me alone!" my daughter shouts.

Fear and anger bubble over. "Just leave me alone!"

People did leave her alone.  And now four-and-a-half years into it, she still chaffs at family.  At parents. She thinks she'd be happier if we would just stop pursuing and let her go her own way.

And to be honest, sometimes I want to.  Because I get tired.

And last night I did, because I got so tired.

But this morning I read about what happens when God leaves us alone, when he gives us up.  When people ...

push down the truth, and
put their hands over their eyes, and
praise the created thing rather than the Creator.

And I shudder that God would leave me alone.  That he would let me go my own way.  Given over to

my emotions,
my thoughts,
my passions,

I would die.  I would die.

And I remember that for me, it was God's mercy, his lovingkindness that opened my heart.  He didn't leave me alone. This hound of heaven, he pursued me.

He pursued me.  He didn't leave me alone.

I walk up the stairs and pause in her doorway.  Early morning sun streams in.  Deep breath. God's mercies.   "Good morning, honey.  It's time to wake up."

Is there someone in your life who is hard to love?  Who wearies you with her pursuit of "her own way?" How can I pray for you today?


One Thing You Can Do for the Girls in Nigeria


Does your heart burn for the issue of human trafficking? I have a great opportunity for you!