Does your heart burn for the issue of human trafficking? I have a great opportunity for you!

Okay, girlfriends, I have to tell you that three passions are intersecting for me right now:

1. I am passionate to see people freed from sex slavery. 

2. I am passionate to see women mobilized to impact their world through Christ. 

3. I am passionate to see people put feet to their passions.  

So, when a my friend, Kent Williamson, told me about this FREE online course that Moody is offering on Human and Sex Trafficking, I had to tell you about it.

Take a look at this trailer.

So,  [updated 4/18] I'm not sure why the trailer is not working.  If anyone knows, I would SO love it if you would fill me in.  In case no one can figure out why the trailer is not working, you'll just have to take my word for it...

Christine Caine is a rockstar. From the ashes of her own story, God is bringing beauty.  I LOVE this.  Because this is my story too.  And, I'm guessing it's yours.

Lots of people care about the human trafficking issue in a vague kind of way.

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe there are 27 million slaves in the world today. I want to DO something, but what can I do?"  

They look at the enormity of the problem.  They see how small they really are. And so they do nothing.

Or, they think that doing something means big, grandiose, starting an organization, writing books, speaking around the world, busting up brothels, caring for the rescued... And, eventually it could mean that.  But it's not step one.

Step one of mobilization is LEARN.  Educate yourself.  Not so sexy and glittery, but oh so very important.  And look, Moody is giving you this opportunity for FREE. 

Eight online lessons of really good stuff.    

If your heart burns for this issue and you want to do something, here's your chance.  Step one of mobilization is LEARN.  

So, check it out.  And let me know if you sign up.  I'm signed up and I'd love to do this thing with you! 

I'm already hearing from women, "This is AWESOME!"  Please share, tell, and spread the word!


Because He Didn't Leave Me Alone


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