How We Make Beautiful Music Through Our Lives

Although I am a pastor's wife, I do not play the piano.  But, several of my children do.  And at the beginning of the school year they work with "Miss Mary Jo," their amazing piano teacher, to choose several songs to play in competition at the end of the year.
When Miss Mary Jo hands them their music, the compositions are complete.  But it will take months of practice before the notes on the page take on life, and beauty, and become an expression of their hearts.  
This is the way the Christian life is for us.  God gives us salvation.  It's a free gift.  There is absolutely nothing we can do to earn it.  But we have the responsibility of working hard so that our life becomes a beautiful expression of the gift we have received.  
Therefore, my beloved
as you have always obeyed, 
so now, not only as in my presence
but much more in my absence, 
work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
for it is God who works in you,
both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

How does our life become an expression of the salvation we've been given?  How do we work out our salvation?

Here are four actions you can take to make beautiful music through your life:

Follow the example of Christ

Jesus is the ultimate example of working out salvation.  Not because he needed to be saved. He was and is absolutely sinless.  Even so ... he modeled laying aside glory, serving others, and obeying the Father, all the way to the cross.  This is what our lives should look like.  Miss Mary Jo plays the pieces so that the kids can hear what the composer was going for in his or her composition. She provides an example. Are you faithfully looking to Jesus to learn how to live?

Seek out encouragement from godly mentors

Paul loved his friends in Philippi.  He taught them about Jesus.  He showed them how to live as Christians in a hostile environment.  He prayed for them, communicated with them, and expressed his desire to be with them.  Paul was a loving mentor to the Philippians.  Miss Mary Jo affirms the kids, guides them, and helps them grow as musicians.  She is a musical mentor.   Do you have a mentor or two in your life who really encourages you?   

Make a strong effort toward personal holiness

One key marker of the Christian is that your personal life matches your private life.  You don't put on a show on Sunday mornings, or any other time during the week.  You work hard to orient your life around Christ.  Your obedience to God doesn't depend on who is in the room.  If the kids don't practice, they are wasting the example and encouragement Miss Mary Jo is giving them. They have to make an effort. Are you making a strong and consistent effort toward personal holiness? 

Rely upon the empowering of the Holy Spirit

Through the Holy Spirit, God works in us.  He's the enabling force that sparks a desire in you to choose God, to pursue holiness, and to please him.  Even with the best example, the best mentor, and the best practice, there is still something that distinguishes a truly gifted pianist from one who is only talented.  Some kids have this something.  Other kids don't.  The good news for us is that if are Christians, we have the something we need to become a beautiful expression of the salvation we've been given.  We have the Holy Spirit.  Are you relying upon the empowerment of the Holy Spirit?   

God puts the composition in our hands.  He provides the example through Christ.  And he empowers us through the Holy Spirit. We have the responsibility to partner with God and make beautiful music through our lives. 
What do you think is your responsibility and what do you think is God's responsibility?  Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
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We don't have to be Children of the Wilderness.


Because Inspiration Isn't Enough