Because Inspiration Isn't Enough

Inspiration can motivate us for a time.  But it is not enough.  

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 
who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 
but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 
And being found in human form, he humbled himself 
by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 
Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 
so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:5-11

refused to grab at position
emptied himself of his rights
wrapped himself in humanity
and was born of a virgin.

in his human flesh
humbled himself and obeyed
all they way to death,
his shameful, horrid death on a cross.

has raised him up
and given him THE name that is above every single name

When he returns, when the trumpet sounds, and his name is declared before the nations,
EVERY  knee will bow, and
EVERY tongue will proclaim the truth ...
Jesus Christ is LORD!

The message this week is so very simple ... Look to Jesus.  

Look to him for inspiration. 

~When unity seems so very impossible,
~When our preferences take hold of us with a grip that astounds us,
~When our proclivities drive us to say things, and do things that hurt our friends,
~When our pride wells up strong and thick and chokes out love, 

look to Jesus

But inspiration isn't enough.  

We need transformation.  Pull back the veils that hinder you from seeing him, and behold him in his glory.

We all with unveiled faces
Beholding the glory of the Lord
Are being transformed into his image
From one measure of glory to another.
2 Corinthians 3:18

Look to Jesus and let him do the inside-out work that only he can do. Let him pull back the veil and reveal himself to you like he did on the mountain with James, and Peter, and John. He wants you to see him.

And when you really see him, you'll begin the journey to become like him because you'll see him as he really is. And when you see him as he is, your life will begin to drip with glory.  And humility will become a way of life, And unity will not seem so impossible.

Sounds good, right?  But, how do you look to Jesus?  How do you get more than inspiration?  How do you look to Jesus for transformation?

Joining me at the Riverside is a start.  And that's my goal ... Each day I want to bring you a little glimpse of Jesus.  But if you really want to look to Jesus for transformation, you're going to want more than this little glimpse.  Here's my suggestion ...

1.  Find a quiet place, a quiet time, even if it's 5:00 in the morning.

2.  Be sure you have your supplies - Bible, a pen, and a journal.

3.  Make a cup of coffee or tea, if you like, and bring it to your place.

4.  Open up your Bible to the passage we focusing on in Riverside.

5.  Pray something as simple as this ...

Lord, open the eyes of my heart.  I want to see you.

6. Read the passage from your Bible.

7. Write the passage in your journal.

8. Pray the passage something like this ...

Lord, I want to have your mindset.  I want to have your perspective.  And you say that your perspective is mine in Christ Jesus.  Would you work in my heart to give me your mindset?  I'm struggling to have your perspective in this situation.  I see the discord in my church, or my family, or with my friends.  And I'm part of the problem.  Jesus open my eyes and show me where I have allowed my preferences to drive me to bring division.  Help me to be an instrument of your peace.  Help me to lay aside everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and walk in humility.  In Jesus' name.

9.  Write your prayer or write the things that the Lord is revealing to you as you read and pray.

10.  When your time is done, pray something like this...

Lord, thank you for showing me yourself in your Word.  Help me to live out your Word in my life today.  For your glory and my joy, Jesus, in your Name ... Amen.

And then keep your eyes, mind, and heart open throughout your day for how the passage you have read, prayed, journaled, and applied to your life really does apply to your life.  Live out the Word.  

This is how the Bible becomes more than inspirational in your life.  Day after day, month after month, year after year, this is how you look to Jesus for transformation.

Thank you for joining me at Riverside.  I'd love to hear from you.  You can leave a comment.  And I'd encourage you to comment on each others' comments.  If someone else's words encourage you, let her know.  You can also friend me on FB and connect with me there.  Or, if you have something more personal to share, email me at  And finally, if you are enjoying Riverside, would you consider sharing with a few friends?  


How We Make Beautiful Music Through Our Lives


Can you adore Christ as Savior and ignore Him as Lord?