Are you a Master of the Humble Brag?

What does true humility look like?  Some how I'm thinking it doesn't look like these humble brags.

Humility is definitely not complaining about how terrible you looked at your "Most Beautiful" photo shoot, how idiotic you appeared on TV, or complaining about the pain you incurred as a result of schmoozing with Kate and William.  True humility isn't self-effacing, self-deprecating, or self-anything.

So what does real humility look like?  

And being found in human form,
he humbled himself 
by becoming obedient 
to the point of death, even death on the cross.

Jesus was the ULTIMATE example in humility.  And when Paul is writing to the Phillippians encouraging them to walk in humility, he tells them to do one thing. Look at Jesus.     
  • gave up position
  • relinquished authority
  • made himself nothing.  

Jesus was fully God, but he was also a human being.  By looking at Jesus and seeing how our actions measure up we can see if we are master of the humble brag, or if we're walking in true humility.  Here are three questions you can ask yourself:

Do you take the low place?

Jesus humbled himself.  He took the low place.  Check out your heart.  If you are always aspiring for bigger, better, and more ... If you have a sense of entitlement ... If you find yourself thinking or saying, "I don't deserve this," or "Don't they know who I am?" then you probably have a humility problem.  Do you take the low place?  

Will you choose to submit?

Jesus became obedient.  He submitted to the Father's will.  He actually did the humble thing.  It wasn't just lip service for Jesus.  It is not easy to humble ourselves beneath someone else's authority.  But that's what Jesus did. If you struggle to submit to authority, you probably have a humility problem. Will you choose to submit?

Do you follow through?

Jesus followed through.  At any point he could have backed out.  He could have said, "I'm done with this." But instead he obeyed until it was finished.  Obedience has a cost.  It did for Jesus, and it does for us.  If the cost of obedience seems so great, you probably have a humility problem. Will you follow through?

True humility isn't easy for any of us.  And we're all tempted to toss out the humble brag every now and then.  True humility comes at a price.  It cost Jesus his life.  But the rewards are glorious.  Tomorrow we're going to get there.  But don't leave today too early. Are you walking in true humility?  Or are you master of the humble brag?
Have you been around people who toss out the humble brag while taking the best for themselves?  Without giving any names, do you have an example?  But, let's get honest, have you ever tossed out a humble brag?  We all do it at times. True humility is tough.  Look for a situation today in which you can walk in humility.  

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A Glorious Promise for Wood Choppers


What Could Happen If We Gave it Up?