What Could Happen If We Gave it Up?

What could happen if we gave up our pursuit of position?  Our claim of equality?  What might happen if rather than trying to wrap ourselves in pomp and circumstance, we just lay it down, trust God, and serve each other?   What could happen if we gave it up?

who, though he was in the form of God,
did not count equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, 
being born in the likeness of men.
Philippians 2:6-7

Jesus could have claimed position
Through and through he was (and is) God. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of his nature.  Jesus is great I am.  

His home was heaven, for goodness' sake.  He has a throne room with amazing creatures, and rainbows, and glassy seas.  He's got choruses going up all around of "Honor!" and "Worthy!" and "Glory!"

He SO had position.  

Jesus could have grabbed equality

He was (and is) totally equal with the Father and the Spirit. Although he was through and through God, Jesus relinquished his rightful hold on the throne for the redemption of you and me.  Though he was rich, he became poor. Full of glory from before he spoke the world into being, yet he willingly set that aside.  

He SO had equality.

Jesus could have made himself everything

But he made himself nothing.  He emptied himself, pouring himself into the clay jar of human flesh.  Fully God, fully man.  Divinity veiled in humanity.  This God-man wrapped in flesh and towels washed feet. 

Jesus was King of kings and Lord of lords.  He and the Father and the Spirit partnered together as the perfect Godhead to create everything.  In him all things hold together.  He could have rightfully made so much of himself.

He SO was everything ... and more.   

But he gave up position.

He relinquished equality.

He made himself nothing.

I'm thinking that if Jesus gave up his throne, his home, his position... If Jesus refused to grapple for rights ... If Jesus, creator of the universe, very God of very God, made himself nothing ...

If Jesus who is worthy of ALL praise, gave it up, then why can't I?  Why can't we?

Can you imagine what our families, our friendships, our churches might be like if we pursued the mindset of Christ?  If we intentionally laid aside our claims and picked up a towel?  If we trusted that God would take care of us as we take care of others?  What would that be like?  What do you think might happen if we gave it up? 

You've joined me here at the Riverside.  We're walking through Philippians a few verses at a time.  And I'm so glad you joined us.  I'd love for you to introduce yourself and tell me how you landed here.  I'd also love it if you'd subscribe by putting your email address in the box up-and-to-the-right.  And, if you like what you've read, I'd love it if you'd share with a friend or two!  I hope you'll be back tomorrow!


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