You've Got This

So, it's been a pretty big nut to crack this week.

But if you are a follower of Christ, you've got this.

So if there is 
any encouragement in Christ, 
any comfort from love, 
any participation in the Spirit, 
any affection and sympathy, 
complete my joy by 
being of the same mind, 
having the same love, 
being in full accord and of one mind.  
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, 
but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, 
but also to the interests of others. 
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus...

Rather than working really, really hard to get along with people, spend time with Jesus, trust in Jesus, and share the blessings from your relationship with Christ with others.  You've got this.  

When someone irritates you, draw from the wellspring of your relationship with Jesus.  Remember the encouragement you have received, the comfort he's given, the mercy he's extended.  Delight in the joy you have in your relationship, and pour all of this out on that someone.  You've got this.  
When division threatens relationships and mission, remember your purpose and with humility remind others of this purpose.  You've got this. 
When you feel envy creeping up in your heart, turn to Christ and start serving.  This is not easy, but because of Jesus, you've got this.  
This sort of crazy, radical love flows from a heart that is in Jesus.  So choose to make your home in Christ, hide yourself in him, and stand amazed as he enables you to truly love.  

What thoughts have been significant to you in this week's Riverside?What scriptures have been particularly meaningful?What story has been your favorite?What is your primary take-out?  

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