We Were Never Meant To Stay Two Years Old

“I can do it myself.”   The mantra of every two-year-old. 

I don’t know about you, but there are times when I still want to say to my growing-up kids, “So, let me know how that works out for you.” 

We can’t do it ourselves.  

We can’t 

walk in unity 

love with humility 

live out generosity

all by ourselves.

It’s not just that we need each other.  We need Jesus.  

This type of living is Promised Land territory.  It’s across the Jordan.  It’s uncharted territory, foreign to wilderness living.  And while there are grapes and honey in the land, there are also giants.  

What would it have been like if God had said to Joshua, “Hey. I’ve got this great plot of land picked out for you.  You’re a strong guy.  You’re a brave guy.  Now go get it.”  

This is pretty much what God told Joshua.  Except, he also said,  “And, Joshua, I’ll be with you all the way.  I won’t leave you.  I won’t abandon you. You will never be alone.”  

God gives us this same promise when he tells us to walk in unity, love with humility, and live out generosity.

Have this mind among yourselves, 
which is yours in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:5

This crazy, love-drenched, Promised Land mindset is yours in Christ Jesus.  

He will never leave us or forsake you.  He gives you the Holy Spirit to comfort, teach, enlighten you, enable you, empower you to walk, love, and live out his life in the world.   

We can’t do it ourselves. Give it up.  Grow up.  And choose to live in Christ today. We were never meant to stay two years old.  

Are you choosing to live in Christ today?  Have you chosen to hid your life in Christ?  Is he your light, your strength, your song?  Are you trusting him to empower you to walk in unity, love with humility, and live out generosity today? 

Welcome to the Riverside!  We're walking through Philippians and are happy you've joined us!  If you want more information about Riverside, check out the page at the top or email me at cynthiafin@gmail.com.  And, if you'd like to be sure and not miss a post, just subscribe by putting your email in that little box up-and-to-the-right.  Thanks so much!


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Let's leave the bucket seat for someone else.