Let's leave the bucket seat for someone else.

Wrangling for the bucket seats drives me crazy.  Every morning, I pull my 1998 Dodge Caravan into the parade of traffic in front of our house.  Every morning, it’s a miracle.  Or at least some sort of supernatural act. I am driving four teenagers and one almost teenager to school.

We leave the house every day at 6:45.  Or at least that’s when we try and leave the house.  Because, undoubtedly, someone is running behind, forgot something, needs something ... something.  And sometimes, that someone is me. 
So, today when I hustle out to the car at 6:50 lugging bags and balancing my coffee, the kids are not nestled snug in their seats.  They are wrangling for the bucket seats
Now, I’ve learned that “shotgun” is SUCH the coveted position, and so we have to have a seating plan.  Since I drive five kids to school, each kid gets one day each week to sit in the coveted front seat.
But, I haven't mapped out the seating arrangement for the rest of the week.  Behind “shotgun,” the bucket seats are nearest and dearest to my progeny’s hearts.  Does anyone else have this issue? They’ve gotten so skillful at claiming position, that some will even go out to the car before they go to bed and stake their territory by tossing their backpack in the seat.  
Good grief! 
So, what I found this morning as I juggled bags and coffee, was an indignant daughter whose backpack had been moved from the bucket seat to the most heinous back-back seat. 


This was the case for Paul’s besties, his friends in Philippi.  Some of them were wrangling for bucket seats.  Personal goals were driving them to pursue personal glory.  And this was getting in the way of their one purpose.  
  • encouragement
  • comfort
  • mercy
  • that arises from their relationship with God.

And now he tells them, "While you’re going after this one purpose ...
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit,
but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
Let each of you look not only to his own interests,
but also to the interests of others. 
Philippians 2:3-4
Get your personal goals and personal glory out of the way.  Leave the bucket seat for someone elseAnd it’s not enough just do act this way, you’ve got to really be this way.  
Deal with your own issues

When we start thinking we’re “somebody,” that we deserve the bucket seat, we’ve got a real problem.  You are created in the image of God.  You are a masterpiece.  God has amazing work for you to do.  But when you let this puff you up, you are in serious trouble.  These truths should blow you away, amaze you, humble you because you know that you have issues.  You do. I do.  We all do.  Look at the log in your own eye and deal with your issues.  

Value one another

Instead of going after the bucket seat, offer it to someone else. Yes, you are created in the image of God, but so is she.  Value her, encourage her, give her opportunities to express her gifts.  Encourage her and build her up.  Advance her cause.  Value one another.  

Serve one another

When she has needs, do what you can to meet them.  You may not be able to fix her problem.  There might not be much you can do, but do what you can.  Fix an extra meal for her family.  Offer to take her kids for a couple of hours.  Run some errands for her.  Serve one another.

What you’ll find as you walk in humility, is this.  Your needs will be taken care of.  As you live with generosity toward others, God will take care of you. Whether through direct reciprocation or through someone paying it forward, God will surprise you.  And the bucket seat just won’t be that important.  

So do you deal with bucket seat wrangling in your household?  Either literally or figuratively?  Tell me about it.  
We are in Week 6 of Riverside!  Who believes!  Every day, Monday - Thursday, I post a devotional from Philippians.  My goal is to have it up first thing in the morning, but some days I'm too busy moving backpacks around to have it ready first thing.  And Fridays are review. If you like what you read, I'd love for you to share with your friends and subscribe so that you don't miss a post.  Just leave your email in that little box up-and-to-the-right.  Thanks for joining me at the Riverside!


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