How to Set Aside Petty Differences and Become the Church

Paul is in house prison.  And he wants to be happy.  But, it's not getting out of prison that will make him happy. 

These Philippian believers have already given him joy.  The work that they were doing to advance the gospel in their community brought Paul joy.   

But more work will not fill up Paul's cup of joy.  

Not more money or more people.  Not more feeding the poor or rescuing orphans or digging wells.  As good as those things are, more work wouldn't make Paul happier. 

The one thing that would complete Paul's joy was unity.  

make my joy complete by
being of the same mind,
maintaining the same love,
united in spirit,
intent on one purpose.
I'm convinced that so much of our division in the church comes because we, as individuals, are not abiding in Christ.  When church life is an overflow of our personal relationship with Christ, we will not bring wallpaper arguments or worship wars.  
We will bring the encouragement, comfort, mercy we have received from Christ.  We will bring the fragrance of Christ that comes from fellowship with God in the Spirit.
And when others outside of our church look at us, what they will see is a holy band of gospel-drenched warriors who have set aside personal preferences for the sake of love.  

When we are ...

drenched in the love of Christ, soaked with the rain of the Spirit, content in the arms of the Father, andsaturated with the Word of God

 ...we will set aside petty differences for the sake of love.  
Look, I know this is hard . There are issues in our churches that have become so important to us.  But, let me ask you ... Are they worth dividing over?  Are there some personal preferences you need to set aside for the sake of love? For the sake of witness? For the sake of joy? Is there someone who you have battled over wallpaper or worship styles that you need to ask for forgiveness?  

Can you imagine what it would be like if our church life was an overflow of our love relationship with Christ rather than our personal preferences? 

Thanks for joining me at the Riverside!  Each day we're gathering like Lydia and her friends did at the riverside.  From that small gathering a church was born and a redemptive work was started. If you'd like these posts to land in your inbox each morning, subscribe by typing your email address in the little box up-and-to-the-right.  Thanks so much!

Let's leave the bucket seat for someone else.


Why We Should Stop Complaining About the Church and Bring It