Why We Should Stop Complaining About the Church and Bring It

What are you looking for in a church?

There are 9 Marks, 5 Purposes, and Top 10 Signs of a Healthy Church.  All of these are fine and good.

But then ... each of us have our own particular passions and preferences.

  • We like guitars.  We hate guitars.
  • We like to pray outloud.  We like contemplative prayer.
  • We like coffee in the sanctuary.  We want to keep the sanctuary free of distraction.
  • We want hymnals.  We want words on a screen.
  • We want to wear jeans.  We want people to dress their best. 
  • We want a bookstore in the lobby.  We look at that an think about Jesus overturning tables.  

And so ... we church shop.  

Church shopping is so peculiar, really.  Remember “Little House on the Prairie?”  

There was no church shopping.  You went to the church in your town.  Everybody did.  How great would that be?

But now, there are churches on every corner to match every preference.  

And I get it.  I really do. Once I get beyond 9 Marks, 5 Purposes, and 10 Signs, I have my preferences.  But really my preferences are not so important.  And neither are yours.   

So if there is
any encouragement from Christ
any comfort from love
any participation in the Spirit
any affection and sympathy

Here’s the deal.  You and me are responsible for our own church.  We are responsible to bring to our church what God as brought to us.  

Are you receiving encouragement from Christ?  Bring it.
Are you receiving comfort through the love of Christ?  Bring it.
Are you receiving fellowship with God through the Spirit of Christ?  Bring it.
Are your receiving tender mercy from Christ?  Bring it.

Thank you, Tony Horton.  

Instead of looking at our church and asking, “What’s in it for me?” Can we start asking, “What can I bring?”  Let’s stop complaining about our church and bring it.  

Yikes!  I can already feel that I'm stepping on toes.  And I know!  Church life is so very hard.  Believe me.  I know what it's like to experience pain in church.  There is a time to leave a church.  But before we leave a church, we should consider our own relationship with Christ.

What would it be like if each of us, every single one us, would cultivate an intimate relationship with Christ?  What would it be like if when we gather with our church, we brought the love of Christ, the mercy of Christ, the encouragement of Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit?

Leave a comment and tell me what you think it would be like if we could stop complaining about our church and bring it. And, if you're in a particularly painful situation in your church and would like prayer, please email me at cynthiafin@gmail.com.  I'd love to be alongside you!

This week at the Riverside, we'll be in Philippians 2:1-4.  I'm so glad you've joined us!  And I hope to see you back tomorrow!


How to Set Aside Petty Differences and Become the Church


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